How do I sudo su a user?

Run command as user. You can use sudo su to switch to the superuser account. You can use sudo su – to switch to the superuser account with root’s environment….Using sudo.

Commands Meaning
sudo -s Start a shell as root
sudo -u root -s Same as above.
sudo -u user -s Start a shell as user.

How do I sudo su access in Linux?

Steps to Add Sudo User on Ubuntu

  1. Step 1: Create New User. Log into the system with a root user or an account with sudo privileges.
  2. Step 2: Add User to Sudo Group. Most Linux systems, including Ubuntu, have a user group for sudo users.
  3. Step 3: Verify User Belongs to Sudo Group.
  4. Step 4: Verify Sudo Access.

How do I run sudo su command?

The command will be executed by the shell specified in /etc/passwd for the target user. Darn it, we need allocate a tty for the su command. Add the -t option which allocates a TTY during the remote execution. You need to quote the expansion so that the entire string is parsed on the remote end.

How do I login as su in Linux?

How to become superuser on Ubuntu Linux

  1. Open a terminal Window/App.
  2. To become root user type:
  3. When promoted provide your own password.
  4. After successful login, the $ prompt would change to # to indicate that you logged in as root user on Ubuntu.

How do you sudo su to root?

The sudo command allows you to run programs as another user, by default the root user. If the user is granted with sudo assess, the su command is invoked as root. Running sudo su – and then typing the user password has the same effect the same as running su – and typing the root password.

What is Linux su command?

The su (short for substitute or switch user) utility allows you to run commands with another user’s privileges, by default the root user. Using su is the simplest way to switch to the administrative account in the current login session.

How do I run a sudo command in AIX?


  1. Create a user. Issue the command:
  2. Grant sudo permissions to the user for AIX commands. Note: By default, the sudo command requires user authentication before it runs a command.
  3. Set the password for the newly created user. Issue the command: bash-2.05b$passwd tdiuser.

How do you run as su?

The su command lets you switch the current user to any other user. If you need to run a command as a different (non-root) user, use the –l [username] option to specify the user account. Additionally, su can also be used to change to a different shell interpreter on the fly.

What is sudo su command?

The su command switches to the super user – or root user – when you execute it with no additional options. You’ll have to enter the root account’s password. This isn’t all the su command does, though – you can use it to switch to any user account.

How do you use the su command?

The Linux command ‘su’ is used to switch from one account to another. User will be prompted for the password of the user switching to. Users can also use it to switch to root account. If user types only ‘su’ without any option then It will be considered as root and user will be prompted to enter root user password.

How to use’sudo’and’su’commands in Linux?

To achieve same sudo functionality to execute any single command user has to use ‘-c’ option of ‘su’. Here is how to do it –. $ su -c apt-get install vlc. After hitting enter user will be prompted for password and obviously it’s for root password because we’re using ‘su’ command.

Which is the sudo command for root password?

To achieve same sudo functionality to execute any single command user has to use ‘-c’ option of ‘su’. Here is how to do it – After hitting enter user will be prompted for password and obviously it’s for root password because we’re using ‘su’ command.

Do you need a second user to use sudo?

However, the su command requires a second user account and password, which isn’t always feasible. For most modern Linux distributions, a user must be in the sudo, sudoers, or wheel group to use the sudo command. By default, a single-user system grants sudo privileges to its user.

What does Su mean in Linux switch user?

The su (short for substitute or switch user) command allows you to run commands with another user’s privileges, by default the root user. Linuxize Ubuntu Centos Debian Commands Series Donate