When can you join air cadets?

You can join when you’re between 13, or 12 if you’re already in year 8 at school, and usually leave when you’re 20. The latest age you can joing is before your 17th birthday.

When did the Air Cadets start?

February 5, 1941, United Kingdom
Air Training Corps/Founded

When did Canada’s air cadets?

April 9, 1941

Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Badge of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Active April 9, 1941–present
Country Canada
Branch Air

Do Cadets get paid?

Cadets earn approximately $1185.00 per month in basic pay. This covers the majority of school related expenses. However, most expenses are incurred within the first eight months (uniforms, computer, textbooks, etc.)

How do I leave Cadets?

Ways to request leave from cadets

  1. Email from parent/guardian. An email from the cadet’s parent/guardian can be sent to the unit.
  2. Phone call. In outstanding circumstances, the cadet’s parent/guardian may call the unit phone number to verbally request for leave.
  3. Leave Form.

When did girls join air cadets?

Girls were able to join from the early 1980s, helping to bring more people together to enjoy everything that Air Cadet life has to offer.

Who founded Air Cadets?

John Adrian Chamier
Air Training Corps/Founders
In 1938 Air Cdre Chamier, Secretary-General of the Air League, formed an Air Defence Cadet Corps (ADCC) to attract and train young men who had an interest in aviation. The intention was to set up squadrons of cadets in as many towns and cities as possible, and ask local people to organise and run them.

How much does air cadets cost UK?

Cadets may be required to pay towards some activities, for example an annual camp might be £40 – a small amount considering what’s involved. Most squadrons also charge subscriptions of around approximately £10 per month to cover running costs, transport etc.

Do you fly in Air Cadets?

Joining the Air Cadets opens up lots of opportunities, including the chance to fly! It’s our aim to get you airborne as often as possible, as a passenger in a light aircraft, a glider or even on-board RAF aircraft such as our Typhoon fast-jet or a Chinook helicopter.

What is the cadet motto?

I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.

Where are the Air Cadets in Warwickshire located?

Warwickshire and Birmingham Wing is part of the Central and East Region of the Air Training Corps within the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC). The Wing is comprised of 22 squadrons located across Birmingham, Coventry as well as in Warwickshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire.

What was the Air Force cadet program in World War 2?

In the buildup for World War II, a more expansive “aviation cadet” program reflected the changing nature of air force specialties. While the emphasis would still be on pilots, the program produced a large number of navigators and ground duty officers.

What are the rules of the Aviation Cadet Corps?

Article 5: An Aviation Cadet will report any violation of honor by another Aviation Cadet of which he is witness or has unquestionable knowledge. Article 6: An Aviation Cadet will not commit any act of intentional dishonesty which will reflect in any way on the honor and integrity of the Aviation Cadet Corps and the Air Force.

What kind of uniform does an air cadet wear?

All Staff and Cadets wear uniforms based on those worn by the regular Royal Air Force. As a Cadet, you will be issued with several uniforms. The order of dress will very much depend on the activity that is taking place.