What does it mean when a video is flagged?

Videos may be flagged for being explicit or not appropriate for all ages. Users who flag videos are kept anonymous, but the user who submitted the video is still notified that their video has been flagged and is under review.

How long does it take YouTube to remove a flagged video?

It takes 5 min to 3 working days to remove videos that have valid flags.

What is flagged video on YouTube?

Apr 2021 – Jun 2021. When flagging a video, human flaggers can select a reason they are reporting the video and leave comments or video timestamps for YouTube’s reviewers. This chart shows the flagging reasons that people selected when reporting YouTube content.

What happens when a video is reported on YouTube?

We rely on YouTube community members to report, or flag content that they find inappropriate. Reporting content is anonymous, so other users can’t tell who made the report. When something is reported, it’s not automatically taken down. Content that violates our Community Guidelines is removed from YouTube.

How can I get a video removed from YouTube?

How to Have YouTube Remove Someone’s Video

  1. Click the flag icon below a video on YouTube to open the Report This Video area.
  2. Select an issue, such as “Infringes my rights.” Select an issue subcategory from the drop-down menu below the main issue, such as the “Infringes my copyright” or “Invades my privacy” options.

What does a flag mean in Google Drive?

If you own a file that’s been flagged for a violation, you may see a flag next to the filename and you won’t be able to share it. Your file will no longer be publicly accessible, even to people who have the link.

Can someone post a video of me on YouTube without my permission?

In general, any footage shot in a public place can be uploaded to YouTube without permission from anyone you may have captured on film. The rule that applies here is “expectation of privacy.” If a person can reasonably expect privacy in a location, then you cannot film him without his permission.

How do you find out who flagged you on YouTube?

Visit your Reporting History page to check the status of videos you’ve reported on YouTube:

  1. Live: Videos that are either not yet reviewed or that we decided don’t violate YouTube Community Guidelines.
  2. Removed: Videos that have been removed from YouTube.

How do you get someone’s YouTube video removed?