What does Kobe Bryant say about work ethic?

Bryant told ESPN’s Darren Rovell: “We are obsessive,” Bryant said. “We wouldn’t want to be doing anything other than what we are doing. That’s where obsession comes in — when you care about something 24 hours a day.

How was Kobe Bryant hardworking?

According to reports, Bryant used to show up to practice at 5am and leave at 7am when he was in high school. He continued this trait of pushing himself in his professional career, spending hours training on his own before practice, and sometimes, even through injuries, demonstrating immense drive and discipline.

Who has the best work ethic in the NBA?

1: Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers. Mr. Consistency. His work ethic is legendary.

What are two things Kobe believes are required to develop high level skills?

Practice more and train harder than anyone else. Kobe would train longer and with more attention to detail than anyone else. Shaq even commented that Kobe practiced all his moves without a ball, for hours, visualizing and physically doing the work. The stories about his dedication are legendary.

What time does Kobe Bryant wake up?

Even if the four-time All-Star Game MVP had to take his daughters to school on practice day, he’d wake up early enough to be at the gym by 6am, train, go drop off the kids, then be back at the gym way before practice officially started at 10:30 am.

What time did Kobe go to sleep?

What time did Kobe go to bed? His sleeping pattern in the off-season usually consists of getting to bed at 10PM sleeping for 2 hours til 12AM. Getting back to bed at 4AM and sleeping til 6AM. So the pattern is usually 2X2 hour bouts of sleep sporadically depending on time of the year.

How many hours did Kobe train?

Named so because Bryant trains for 6 days a week, 6 hours a day and 6 months in a year. The 6 hours of training are divided into 2 hours of track work, 2 hours of basketball skills and 2 hours of weight lifting (which includes one hour of cardio).

Did Kobe stare at the sun?

During a playoff game on the road, Kobe Bryant was hit with a camera flash as he pulled up for a jumper, missing the basket entirely. Starting the very next day, Kobe Bryant began staring directly into sun for 5 hours a day to prepare himself for the next time a camera flash went off into his eyes during a game.

What made Kobe so good?

Kobe attributes most of his success to his hard work ethic and his hustle and he is the definition of hard work pays off. Ever since he started playing basketball, he put in the work. Throughout his entire life, Kobe put in the work that nobody else wanted to.

Is Kobe Bryant a good role model?

Known for his strong work ethic, Bryant was a role model on and off the basketball court. Bryant always made sure to acknowledge his own role models and the people he learned from throughout his life. He also paid it forward as a mentor for countless others.

How many hours a night did Kobe Bryant sleep?

In a 2014 New York Times interview with the sleep queen herself, Arianna Huffington, Bryant revealed that he was getting much more sleep these days, “I used to get by on three or four hours a night. I have a hard time shutting off my brain. But I’ve evolved. I’m up to six to eight hours now.”

How much sleep would Kobe get?

According to Bryant himself, he could operate at peak capacity on as little as 3-4 hours of sleep per night, BedBandit reported. What’s really impressive is that that wasn’t an “every once in a while” kind of thing — it was Bryant’s nightly amount of sleep for virtually his entire career.

What did Kobe Bryant teach me about work ethic?

Here are six valuable lessons I’ve learned from him over the years: 1. Relentless work ethic Kobe was famous for his relentless work ethic and his intolerance of those who did not share it. He once said, “I have nothing in common with lazy people who blame others for their lack of success.

What makes Kobe Bryant a good basketball player?

“I tell people all the time I used to play with Kobe Bryant. “Kobe Bryant is probably one of the best basketball player you’ll ever see outside of Michael Jordan, Hakeem Olajuwon. “The thing that makes Kobe so great, is that he’s a hard worker.

Why is it important to model your life after Kobe Bryant?

Whether you’re building a business, becoming a great athlete, learning a new skill or adopting a new habit, modeling your actions and habits after someone who’s already successful saves you the most time and money in the long run. 6. How to handle pressure

Who was the only guy on the bus with Kobe Bryant?

“Kobe [Bryant] was the only guy on the bus, and that spoke volumes to me — he’s the best player in the game, yet he’s always willing to come work on his game, so that kind of motivated me and Jeff,” Durant said. “He went by himself, he got a lot of shots up, and by the time he was done you could see he had gotten better over that hour.