Is the share icon copyrighted?

WordPress developer Alex King created the original Share Icon in 2006. This icon is trademarked and was cause for controversy due to it being subject to legal take-down notices despite its license.

Is ShareThis com safe?

In February 2019, The Register published a story indicating that 16 companies, including ShareThis, were the victims of a security incident. A security breach exposed 41 million unique email addresses alongside names and in some cases, password hashes and a small number of dates of birth held by ShareThis.

What is the share symbol called?

ticker symbols
Nasdaq-listed securities can have up to five characters. Symbols are just a shorthand way of describing a company’s stock, so there is no significant difference between those that have three letters and those that have four or five. Stock symbols are also known as ticker symbols.

What is the most common share icon?

29.4% of survey respondents said that, given a choice, they would pick the pre-iOS 7 curved-arrow icon for sharing. Despite being the best-known one, only 21.3% favored the Android icon. 18.6% selected the Microsoft Windows 8 icon, 17.4% the iOS 7 icon, and 13.3% the open share icon.

Do I need permission to use social media icons?

These icons are available in color and black and white. Instagram icons should be represented without container. When using the icon for broadcast, radio, out-of-home advertising or print larger than 8.5 x 11 inches, you need to request permission and include a mock-up of how you your intended use.

Who uses ShareThis?

We have data on 144,135 companies that use ShareThis….Who uses ShareThis?

Company YourPeople, Inc.
Company Boart Longyear Ltd
Country United States
Revenue 200M-1000M

How does ShareThis make money?

However, behind this seemingly helpful and practical service lies a darker truth: these companies make money by tracking and profiling website visitors.

What is the play icon called?


Unicode Name / function ISO 7000 / IEC 60417
U+23EF ⏯/⏯️ Play/Pause toggle
U+23F4 ⏴, U+25C0 ◀/◀️ Reverse
U+23F9 U+25A0 ⏹/■ Stop #5110B Stop
U+23EA ⏪/⏪️ Back (Fast Backwards)

What does Apple share icon look like?

Answer: A: There is a “share” icon common to many apps: a box with an arrow coming out of it. On iOS6, the arrow was thick and curved, pointed off to the side; on iOS7 it is thin and straight, pointed straight up.