What are the soft tissues of oral cavity?

The oral cavity is lined by a mucous membrane (the oral mucosa) consisting of a stratified squamous epithelium, which may or may not be keratinized, and an underlying connective tissue layer, the lamina propria. The surface is kept moist with mucus produced by the major and numerous minor salivary glands.

What is the most common tumor found in the oral cavity?

More than 90% of oral and oropharyngeal cancers are squamous cell carcinoma. This means that they begin in the flat, squamous cells found in the lining of the mouth and throat. The most common locations for cancer in the oral cavity are: Tongue.

What is a mouth tumor called?

Almost all of the cancers in the oral cavity and oropharynx are squamous cell carcinomas, also called squamous cell cancers. These cancers start in squamous cells, which are flat, thin cells that form the lining of the mouth and throat.

What is oral malignant neoplasm?

Lip and oral cavity cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lips or mouth. Tobacco and alcohol use can affect the risk of lip and oral cavity cancer. Signs of lip and oral cavity cancer include a sore or lump on the lips or in the mouth.

What is the oral cavity?

Listen to pronunciation. (OR-ul KA-vih-tee) Refers to the mouth. It includes the lips, the lining inside the cheeks and lips, the front two thirds of the tongue, the upper and lower gums, the floor of the mouth under the tongue, the bony roof of the mouth, and the small area behind the wisdom teeth.

What are the three types of oral mucosa?

Histologically, the oral mucosa is classified into three categories, lining, masticatory, and specialized. The epithelium of the lining mucosa is nonkeratinized stratified squamous, whereas that of the masticatory mucosa is ortho- or parakeratinized, to protect it from the shearing forces of mastication.

What kind of cancers are in the mouth?

Types of Mouth Cancer

  • Floor of Mouth Cancer.
  • Gum Cancer.
  • Hard Palate Cancer.
  • Inner Cheek Cancer (Buccal Mucosa Cancer)
  • Lip Cancer.
  • Tongue Cancer.

What is another name for oral cavity?

mouth, also called oral cavity or buccal cavity, in human anatomy, orifice through which food and air enter the body. The mouth opens to the outside at the lips and empties into the throat at the rear; its boundaries are defined by the lips, cheeks, hard and soft palates, and glottis.

What is the oral cavity function?

The oral cavity represents the first part of the digestive tube. Its primary function is to serve as the entrance of the alimentary tract and to initiate the digestive process by salivation and propulsion of the alimentary bolus into the pharynx.

What kind of cancer is found in the oral cavity?

PATHOLOGY Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) constitute more than 90% of all oral cancer. Other malignant tumors can arise from the epithelium, connective tissue, minor salivary glands, lymphoid tissue, and melanocytes or metastasis from a distant tumor.

Where does the oral cavity begin and end?

ANATOMY OF THE ORAL CAVITY The oral cavity extends from the vermilion border of the lips to the circumvallate papillae of the tongue inferiorly and the junction of the hard and soft palate superiorly.

How often does oral cancer develop after treatment?

Metachronous tumors develop in 10% to 40% in the first decade after treatment of the index primary30, 31and therefore regular post-therapy surveillance and lifestyle alteration are important strategies for secondary prevention. PATHOLOGY Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) constitute more than 90% of all oral cancer.

What kind of tumor is a biphasic tumor?

Biphasic tumor with highly ordered cellular component (Antoni A) that palisades (Verocay bodies) plus myxoid hypocellular component (Antoni B) More frequently on the limbs with a predilection to the upper limbs, followed by the head and neck area, including the oral cavity, orbit and salivary glands