What is a Fasching parade?

Fasching (also known as Karneval) is a time of festivity and merry making – a time to break the rules, poke fun at those who make them and then to make your own new rules. In Germany, particularly in the Rhineland area, the tradition can be traced to medieval times where many countries existed under harsh rules.

What are the origins of Fasching?

The word Fasching dates back to the 13th century and is derived from the Germanic word vaschanc or vaschang, in modern German: Fastenschank = the last serving of alcoholic beverages before Lent. In olden times the 40-day Lenten period of fasting was strictly observed.

Where is celebrate Fasching in style?

Germans celebrate Carnival in several different regions and ways throughout Germany. The three most popular versions are Karneval in the Rhineland region, Fasching in Southern Germany and Fastenacht in Baden Würrtemberg.

Who invented Fasching?

Although the exact historical origins of Fasching are unclear, the observance of its rites is mentioned in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival (early 13th century). It was a festival that originated in the cities—most notably Mainz and Speyer—and was already established in Cologne by 1234.

What is Lent called in Germany?

SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany — With the end of Fasching, Germany’s silly season, comes Lent, a Catholic tradition observed by many throughout Germany and the world. Lent began Ash Wednesday, which was March 9, and lasts 40 days until the Saturday before Easter.

What is a Fasnachts?

A fastnacht is a heavy, yeast-raised potato donut that is typically prepared on Fat Tuesday before the start of the Lenten season. These types of donuts are part of Easter traditions in Pennsylvania Dutch country, which includes Lancaster, York, and Berks counties in south-central Pennsylvania.

When does the Fasching celebration start and end?

However, the big bash celebrations are not on the same given date each year. Instead, the date varies depending on when Easter falls. Fasching culminates into Fasching week, which begins the week before Ash Wednesday.

What’s the difference between Karneval and Fasching in Germany?

In general, Karneval is the word used for the Rhenish (Rhineland) version of carnival in northwest Germany (except in Mainz ), while the word Fasching refers to the similar celebration in southern Germany and Austria. The big day for Karneval is the Rose Monday parade, whereas the big Fasching parades are usually the day before, on Carnival Sunday.

Where does the Karneval parade take place in Germany?

Although in general, the Rhineland Karneval has its big final parade on Rose Monday, most Fasching and Fastnacht celebrations have their big parade on Carnival Sunday. This happens in Frankfurt am Main, Aschaffenburg, Mannheim, Munich, Ludwigshafen, Würzburg and Karlstadt.

What do people wear to the Fasching parade?

At the parades and costume-balls people are dressed as sheiks, Vikings (with hairy coats and horned helmets), Attila the Hun, clowns and harlequins, devils, witches, animals, or fruit, and in many other creative ways (see the picture collections).