Can we write if condition in WHERE clause in SQL?

If you want to apply some “IF” logic in the WHERE clause all you need to do is add the extra condition with an boolean AND to the section where it needs to be applied.

What can be the condition in WHERE clause in a SQL query?

The SQL WHERE clause filters the records affected by a command. You can use the WHERE clause in SQL with the SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. You can specify multiple WHERE clauses using an AND statement, but you only need to use the WHERE keyword once.

Can case be used in where clause?

CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression. For example, you can use CASE in statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and in clauses such as select_list, IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and HAVING.

Can we use CASE in where clause in SQL Server?

CASE STATEMENT IN WHERE CLAUSE: We can use a case statement in Where, Order by and Group by clause. So, by using a CASE statement with the where condition displays the result.

Which of these is correct syntax for if/then condition in PL SQL?

The syntax for IF-THEN-ELSIF in Oracle/PLSQL is: IF condition1 THEN {… statements to execute when condition1 is TRUE…}

What is if statement in SQL?

SQL Else If. The SQL Else If statement is very useful to check multiple conditions at once. It is an extension to the If then Else (which we discussed in the earlier post). If Else statement will only execute the statements when the given condition is either true or False but in real world, we may have to check more than two conditions.

What is a condition in SQL?

Syntax for SQL Condition Types. A condition specifies a combination of one or more expressions and logical (Boolean) operators and returns a value of TRUE, FALSE, or unknown. Conditions have several forms.

What is a conditional statement in SQL?

Like many other programming languages, PL/SQL supports decision making statements, These statements are also called conditional statement. Conditional statements work on basis of a predefined condition’s output Basic Syntax of IF-ELSE is like this in PL/SQL.

Can you use if statements in a SQL query?

The IF statement is used to execute a block of code if a condition is satisfied . If a condition is not satisfied (FALSE) then optionally ELSE statement can be used. In the case of SQL Server, the IF statement is used to execute SQL statements if a condition is TRUE.