How do you use haranguing in a sentence?

It’s difficult to see haranguing in a sentence . He and Pitt joined the opposition, haranguing the Newcastle government. After a long harangue to the people he was proclaimed king. Administrators should not be allowed to harangue the people they block.

What is Haranguer?

noun. a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe. a long, passionate, and vehement speech, especially one delivered before a public gathering. any long, pompous speech or writing of a tediously hortatory or didactic nature; sermonizing lecture or discourse.

Where did the word harangue originate?

The word harangue developed its modern spelling around 1530, when the word was recorded as harangue in French. The word, meaning a strong, nasty rant, appears to have evolved from the Old Italian word aringa, probably from the word for a public square or place for public speaking.

How do you use hedonism in a sentence?

Hedonism in a Sentence 1. Since my mother believes in hedonism, she often will go to resorts and spas because they bring her pleasure. 2. Some people criticize hedonism because they believe that people are selfish for giving themselves the things that delight them.

What is a harangue in literature?

The definition of a harangue is a long and intense verbal attack or a long and passionate speech. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a tirade. noun. 1. To deliver a harangue to.

What part of speech is harangue?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: harangues, haranguing, harangued
definition: to address at length and with vehemence; deliver a tirade to. He harangued his youthful audience on the subject of loose morals. similar words: rant
related words: lash