Can you 3D scan with Kinect?

The Kinect 3D scanner uses the same technology a mid-range 3D Scanner might have, a camera, and an infrared camera used to calculate the field of depth of and around an object. These two “cameras” used by the Kinect allow it to make a decently accurate 3D scan of almost any object you wish to scan.

How do I use the 3D scan app with Kinect?

3D Scanning Tutorial for Microsoft Kinect and 3D Builder

  1. Step 1: 3D Scan an Object or Person. If you choose to scan an item or person while holding the Kinect, make sure to enable the handheld mode and rotate around the objects you are scanning.
  2. Step 2: Import and Edit Your 3D Model.
  3. Step 3: 3D Print Your Object.

How does 3D motion capture work?

How do mocap suits work? Motion capture suit or mocap suit records the real-life movements of an actor or an object and sends it to a computer program where it will be applied to a 3D character. The 3D character will then move exactly how the movements were captured from the suit.

How to install the Kinect 3D video capture project?

Install the Kinect 3D Video Capture Project: If Vrui was installed in /usr/local or elsewhere outside the user’s home directory: > sudo make install This will ask for the user’s password to install the Kinect package inside Vrui’s installation directory. If Vrui was installed inside the user’s home directory: > make install 6.

How can I download data from my Kinect?

In a terminal, run: > KinectUtil getCalib where is the index of the Kinect whose data you want to download. If you have only one Kinect connected to your computer, its index is 0. KinectUtil will download the data and copy it into a file that will later be found automatically by all Kinect applications.

What’s the best way to use the Kinect?

The best approach is to position the Kinect to be roughly orthogonal to the surface, and push it so close that the entire depth image turns black (this happens at a distance of around 50cm). Then slowly pull the Kinect back until about half the pixels have valid depth values.

Is there a Kinect for Xbox version 1473?

To properly work with multiple Kinect-for-Xbox version 1473 and/or Kinect-for-Windows devices, the libusb library needs to provide USB bus topology query functions such as those provided by the libusbx fork. This software can optionally create Kinect 3D video streaming plug-ins for Vrui’s collaboration infrastructure (version 2.8 or newer).