How many combinations are there for 6 numbers on the lottery?

Accordingly, given any set of 6 numbers, there are 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 6! or 720 orders in which they could be drawn. Dividing 10,068,347,520 by 720 gives 13,983,816, also written as. , where n is the number of alternatives and k is the number of choices.

How many 6 number combinations can be generated from the numbers from 1 to 42 inclusive without repetition and with no regards to the order of the numbers?

Problem Answer: There are 5,245,786 combinations 6-number combinations can be generated.

How many 7 number combinations are there with 49 numbers?

Answer and Explanation: The number of 7 number combinations between 1 and 49 is 85,900,584.

Is there a mathematical formula to predict lottery numbers?

To figure out your odds, use an equation in which “k” represents the numbers you choose correctly, “r” represents the total numbers drawn, and “n” represents the number of unique numbers the numbers will be drawn from. Without numbers, the formula looks like this: × ( r − k ) ! × ( n − r ) !

How much would it cost to play every number combination for the lottery?

Thus, the odds of picking that perfect combination with a single ticket are one in 292,201,338. Each Powerball ticket costs $2. That means you could buy all the possible combinations of tickets for $584,402,676 — just under $585 million.

How do you find the number of combinations with 6 numbers?

Hi Bryan, If you are just using the digits from 1 to 6, the answer would be 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720, because you have 6 choices for the units digit, and then 5 choices left for the tens, and then 4 choices left for the hundreds and so on.

How many ways can the 6 winning numbers be drawn from a lottery with 42 numbers?

Thus, the number of favorable outcomes is then given by the Basic Counting Rule: 6C5 · 42C1 = 6 · 42 = 252.

How many 6 digit combinations are there with 12 numbers?

It was about letters rather than numbers, and six of them rather than 12, but the idea is the same. You should look at Penny’s answer. In your case, with 12 numbers, the number is 12x11x10x… x2x1=479001600.