What are some musculoskeletal assessments?

During a routine assessment of a patient during inpatient care, a registered nurse typically completes the following musculoskeletal assessments:

  • Assess gait.
  • Inspect the spine.
  • Observe range of motion of joints.
  • Inspect muscles and extremities for size and symmetry.
  • Assess muscle strength.
  • Palpate extremities for tenderness.

How do you examine the musculoskeletal system?

The primary methods used for physical examination of musculoskeletal system are inspection and palpation. Percussion and auscultation are only used in special situations such as percussion pain of vertebrae, auscultation for bone crepitus.

What is nursing assessment in musculoskeletal system?

Also, a nursing health assessment of the musculoskeletal system involves palpation of the joints. Palpate the joints and assess the temperature of the skin and the muscles. Palpate for warmth, tenderness, swelling or masses. If pain or tenderness are noted, further assess to specify the joint or structure involved.

What should I ask in a musculoskeletal assessment?

History of Present Illness

  • Date of onset and type of onset (suddenly or slowly).
  • Location of pain: (joints, muscles, soft tissues)
  • Presence of swelling* (before and now)
  • Subsequent course (progressive, intermittent or remittent).
  • Present status (better, same or worse).
  • Impact on their lives.

Why do we do a musculoskeletal assessment?

The musculoskeletal exam helps to identify the functional anatomy associated with clinical conditions, thereby differentiating the underlying system involved and could correctly point towards the condition helping in early diagnosis and intervention.

What are the five main functions of the musculoskeletal system?

The main 5 functions that the skeletal system does are; Support, shape. Protection. Movement. Production of red blood cells. Attachment of muscles.

What is a functional musculoskeletal assessment?

The Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA) questionnaire consists of the dysfunction index, which has thirty-four items for the assessment of patient function, and the bother index, which has twelve items for the assessment of how much patients are bothered by functional problems.

What does the musculoskeletal system do?

Musculoskeletal is a general term which, as its name suggests, relates to the muscles and the skeleton of the body. More specifically, the musculoskeletal system includes bones, muscles, joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and bursae. The musculoskeletal system provides stability and also allows for movement of the body.