What is ASM project?

Application service management (ASM) is an emerging discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring and managing the performance and quality of service of business transactions.

What is bytecode instrumentation?

Bytecode instrumentation is a process where new function- ality is added to a program by modifying the bytecode of a set of classes before they are loaded by the virtual machine. This paper will look into the details of bytecode instrumen- tation in Java: the tools, APIs and real-life applications.

What is ASM ClassReader?

public class ClassReader extends Object. A Java class parser to make a ClassVisitor visit an existing class. This class parses a byte array conforming to the Java class file format and calls the appropriate visit methods of a given class visitor for each field, method and bytecode instruction encountered.

What is spring ASM used for?

ASM is used by cobertura for code coverage, and by hibernate and AOP for generating proxy classes.

What is ADM ASM?

ASM/ADM and ADM/ASM stand for the interfaces between the reactor’s model (ASM) and anaerobic digester model (ADM).

What does ASM stand for?


Acronym Definition
ASM American Society for Materials (now the Materials Information Society)
ASM Annual Stockholders Meeting
ASM Asset Management System
ASM Applications Sales Manager (various companies)

What is API instrumentation?

API instrumentation identifies the time that elapsed during application activities. It is used for applications and products that use the IBM Spectrum Protect API. By default, instrumentation data is automatically collected by the API during backup or restore processing.

What is an instrumented class?

Instrumentation is the addition of byte-codes to methods for the purpose of gathering data to be utilized by tools. In that case an Instrumentation instance is passed to the premain method of the agent class. When a JVM provides a mechanism to start agents sometime after the JVM is launched.

What is bytecode manipulation?

Bytecode is the instruction set of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and all languages that run on the JVM must eventually compile down to bytecode. Bytecode is manipulated for a variety of reasons: Program analysis: find bugs in your application. examine code complexity.

What does ASM stand for in materials?

the American Society for Metals
ASM International, formerly known as the American Society for Metals, is an association of materials-centric engineers and scientists.

What does ASM stand for hospitality?

Rate it: ASM. Area Sales Manager. Business » Occupation & Positions.

Is the ASM bytecode manipulation framework written in Java?

The ASM bytecode manipulation framework is written in Java. Java Runtime Environment is required. You can download the latest binary file from the ObjectWeb Forge. This demo uses the version 5.2.

What can asm be used for in Java?

Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework ASM is an all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework. It can be used to modify existing classes or dynamically generate classes, directly in binary form. This demo will guide you to have basic understand how ASM works and what will ASM do.

What is the purpose of bytecode instrumentation in Java?

Bytecode instrumentation is a technique for changing the code of compiled Java applications, either before running them – on the disk, or “on the fly” as they are loaded into memory.

How to see the bytecode of a class in Java?

As mentioned before, ASM framework includes tools to help you translate between those codes. Bytecode Outline shows disassembled bytecode of current Java editor or class file. Unlike javap, ASMifier on compiled classes allows you to see how any given bytecode could be generated with ASM.