Is raising feeder calves profitable?
Pasture-raised veal is a great alternative for a small farm because you can raise the calves year round, feeding goat’s milk, hay and grain and turn over a good profit in 12 to16 weeks time. That’s a gross income of over $1000 per month, taking care of eight calves.
How much feed does a 500 pound calf eat?
Typical stocking rates are 0.75 to 1.75 head per acre of 400- to 500-pound calves in the fall and winter, depending upon growth, stand, and soil fertility. This can be doubled to 1.5 to 2.5 head per acre in the spring if the wheat is grazed out.
How long does it take to raise feeder cattle?
A feeder calf is a young cow that is raised until it’s 6 to 9 months old and then transported to a feedlot. Once at a feedlot, the calf is fed and raised until it’s old enough for slaughter. A feeder calf can be male or female.
How do you feed feeder calves?
A typical daily diet consists of 11 pounds alfalfa hay, 6 pounds rolled barley and 1 pound of a commercially prepared supplement. The supplement contains protein, vitamins and minerals. On this ration, a feeder calf will gain about 2.5 pounds per day. Feed 800 pound feeder cattle a finishing ration.
How much does a 500 pound calf sell for?
The long-term average is roughly 55 cents per pound of gain. For example, if the price of a 500-pound calf is $1.40 per pound and the price of a 600-pound calf is $1.26, the value of those 100 pounds of gain is $56 or 56 cents per pound.
When should I introduce calf feed?
Calf starter should be fed to calves starting at four days of age. Calf starter should be formulated to include very palatable ingredients and to contain adequate protein, minerals, and vitamins.
What do you feed a 300 pound calf?
“Our calves are 130 days old and weigh just over 300 lbs….For a basic concentrate ration he uses:
- 50% rolled sorghum grain.
- 25% corn gluten feed (loose).
- 15% chopped hay (3-in. particle size).
- 10% whole raw soybeans.
- A “custom” supplement containing minerals, vitamins and ionophores.
How much grain should I feed my beef calf?
Calves will need 4 to 5 pounds of a grain-protein mixture per head daily to average 1.2 pounds daily on winter fescue pastures (Table 3). Forage sorghum, small grain and grass legume silages work well for wintering calves but are lower in energy than corn silage.