What does 2 meters mean in ham radio?

The term 2 Meters commonly refers to a frequency band assigned for Amateur Radio use. It means that the radio waves transmitted at 144 million times per second (MHz) are 2 meters in length. See Wavelength for more information. Frequencies in and near this range are also referred to as VHF-High Band.

What is on the 2m band?

According to Wikipedia, “The 2 meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF (very high frequency) Spectrum, comprising of frequencies stretching from 144.000 MHz to 148.000 MHz.” These communications are generally FM or frequency modulated transmissions although some operators do operate using SSB (single sideband) …

What are the different ham radio bands?

General Class Frequency Privileges in Ham Radio

Band Frequencies (in MHz) Mode
40 meters 7.025–7.125 CW, RTTY, data
7.175–7.300 CW, phone, image
20 meters 14.025–14.150 CW, RTTY, data
14.225–14.350 CW, phone, image

Is Ham narrow or wide band?

As you mentioned, as of January 01, 2013, most part 90 users in the VHF and UHF bands need to be narrow band. Low band VHF is not affected, neither is 800MHz, Ham radio, GMRS, CB, Marine VHF. FRS and MURS are already narrow band, and have been since their respective beginnings.

Are ham repeaters wide or narrow band?

b/c narrow FM is the standard usually. The short answer: For ham use, set it to wide. Wide is 5KHz deviation, narrow is 2.5KHz. Higher deviation results in a larger bandwidth, better signal to noise, and increased range.

What is 2 Meter ham band?

The 2-meter band is often the band on which Ham radio operators make their first contacts. Obtaining a Ham operator ‘s license consists of taking a simple test containing 35 questions covering such topics as operating procedures, rules and regulations and some minor electronics theory.

What is ham radio band?

Ham radio typically refers to the amateur use of various radio frequencies, including bands within the high frequency (HF), very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high frequency (UHF) ranges. An HF ham radio can specifically receive and transmit within the high frequency range, which is typically designated as being between three and 30 MHz.

What is the ham band?

HAM is an Icelandic rock band formed in 1988. They are often listed as a heavy metal band but have never categorized themselves as such. They have gradually come to be acknowledged as an important part of Icelandic rock history. Today they command a cult following among many Icelandic rock enthusiasts.

What is a 2 meter radio band?

2-meter band. The 2-meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum, comprising frequencies stretching from 144 MHz to 148 MHz in International Telecommunication Union region (ITU) Regions 2 (North and South America plus Hawaii) and 3 (Asia and Oceania ) and from 144 MHz to 146 MHz in ITU Region 1 (Europe, Africa, and Russia).