How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar and different?

Chloroplasts are very similar to mitochondria, but are found only in the cells of plants and some algae. Like the mitochondria, the chloroplast has an inner and outer membrane. Inside those membranes are its different parts, which include thylakoids and stroma. A stack of thylakoids is called a grana (pl.

What do mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts both convert energy from outside the cell into a form that is usable by the cell.

What are three similarities between chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Similarities between mitochondria and chloroplast:

  • Mitochondria and chloroplast both are bounded by double membrane envelope.
  • Both mitochondria and chloroplast are semi autonomous organelles.
  • Mitochondria and chloroplast both have their own genome (DNA)i.e genetic material.

What are two common characteristics of mitochondria and chloroplasts?

They both have multiple membranes that separate their interiors into compartments. In both organelles, the innermost membranes – cristae, or infoldings of the inner membrane,… Both organelles are involved in energy transformation, mitochondria in cellular respiration & chloroplasts in photosynthesis.

What is the difference between mitochondria and mitochondria?

The only difference between mitochondria and mitochondrion is that mitochondrion is singular, and mitochondria is the plural form of the word.

What is the difference between Chromoplast and chloroplast?

Answer: 1) The main difference between chloroplast and chromoplast is that chloroplast is the green coloured pigment in plants, while chromoplast is a colourful pigment whose colour may be yellow or orange or even red.

What are similarities between chloroplasts mitochondria?

– Chloroplasts and mitochondria are prokaryotic. They have their own genes on a small, circular chromosome but no nucleus. This chromosome has little non-coding DNA, similar to those of bacteria. Chloroplasts and mitochondria also make some of their own proteins from their genes.

What is the difference between mitochondria and chloroplasts quizlet?

In mitochondria, ATP is produced as a result of oxidation and foodstuffs, and is used as an energy source for metabolic processes. In chloroplasts, ATP is produced as a result of harvesting energy from light. In chloroplasts, the ATP is used in the fixation of CO2 into sugars.

What are two similarities and one dissimilarity between mitochondria?

(i) (a) Both are double membrane structures. (b) Both of them have their own genetic material. (ii) Mitochondria is the site of production of energy whereas plastid is the site of production of food.

Which is not common between chloroplast and mitochondria?

Complete solution: The above option which is not common in chloroplasts and mitochondria is that both are present in animal cells.As everyone knows that chloroplast helps in photosynthesis, and photosynthesis always takes place in the plant cells only.

What is the relationship between chloroplast and mitochondria?

In plant cells, chloroplasts convert light energy into chemical energy, and mitochondria consume the chemical energy to produce ATP. The optimal carbon fixation and plant growth require these two energy-transforming organelles to perform strictly coordinated actions.

Which one is not common between mitochondria and chloroplast?

What are the similarities between mitochondria a chloroplast?

In both chloroplast and mitochondria,double membrane structure is there.

  • Both contains there own RNA and DNA
  • Both have similar enzymes and co-enzymes.
  • What do both mitochondria and chloroplasts have in common?

    Similarities of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts convert energy have its own DNA enclosed by two membranes oxygen (O 2) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) are involved in its processes both have fluids inside of them

    How do mitochondria relate to chloroplasts?

    Chloroplasts are present in photosynthetic plants and is responsible for making the food of the plant. On the other hand, mitochondria also known as the power house of the cell, uses this oxygen in order to create ATP which is used for various purposes like active transport, releasing minerals and many more in plants. Click to see full answer

    How are chloroplasts and mitochondria similar to bacteria?

    If mitochondria and chloroplasts are removed from a cell, the cell cannot make any more of these organelles to replace the ones that were removed. The only way these organelles can be replicated is through the same method used by bacteria: binary fission . Like bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts grow in size, duplicate their DNA and other structures, and then divide into two identical organelles.