What was Imam Hassan known for?

He is considered part of the Ahl al-Bayt as well as the Ahl al-Kisa, and he was a participant in the event of Mubahala. Muhammad described Hasan and his brother, Husayn, as “the masters of the youth of Paradise.” During the caliphate of Ali, Hasan accompanied him in wars.

When was Imam Hasan born?

December 1, 624 AD
Hasan ibn Ali/Date of birth

What was the age of Imam Hassan when he died?

45 years (624 AD–670 AD)
Hasan ibn Ali/Age at death

How old was Imam Hassan when he became Imam?

Imamate. Shia believe that Hasan al-Askari gained the Imamate after the death of his father—by divine command, as well as by the decrees of the previous Imams—at the age of 22.

What is the story of Imam Hussain?

He is given the title Aba Abdullah, meaning father of Abdullah. He was killed and then beheaded in the Battle of Karbala on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram 61 AH) by Yazid, along with most of his family and companions, including Husayn’s six-month old son, Ali al-Asghar, with the women and children taken as prisoners.

Who killed Hasan?

Ḥasan died in 670. Many early sources say his death was the result of poisoning by one of his wives, Jaʿdah bint al-Ashʿath, in conspiracy with Muʿāwiyah.

How Hazrat Imam Hussain died?

He rose up to create a regime that would reinstate a “true” Islamic polity as opposed to what he considered the unjust rule of the Umayyads. [6] As a consequence, Husayn was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala in 680 (61AH) by Shimr Ibn Thil-Jawshan.

Where is the grave of Imam Hassan?

Al-Baqi’, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Hasan ibn Ali/Place of burial

How did Imam Hussain save Islam?

The martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain gives a great lesson. Though Yazeed and his army won the battle Hazrat Imam Hussain revived Islam by giving his life. His firmness, determination, and loyalty to Islam will remain a beacon of light for the whole Muslim Ummah up to the Day of Judgment.

Is there such a thing as a caliphate in Islam?

Followers of Shia Islam however, believe in an Imamate rather than a Caliphate, that is to say a caliph should be an Imam chosen by Allah from the Ahl al-Bayt (the “Family of the House”, Muhammad’s direct descendants). Before the advent of Islam, Arabian monarchs traditionally used the title malik (King, ruler), or another from the same root.

Who was the first caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate?

1 Rashidun (“Righteously Guided”) Abu Bakr, first Rashidun Caliph. 2 ” Umayyad Caliphate ” Muawiyah I, first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty. 3 ” Abbasid Caliphate ” As-Saffah was the first caliph of the Abbasid caliphate, one of the longest and most important caliphates (Islamic dynasties) in Islamic history.

How did Imam Hasan make peace with Muawiya?

Zuhri claims that when the conditions in Iraq deteriorated, then Imam Hasan (as) wrote to Muawiya about peace and put forward his conditions. At the same time Muawiya had sent a delegation with a blank paper which had the seal of Muawiya. When the blank paper was presented to the Imam (as), he added more terms for peace and kept it with him.

What did Imam Hasan write on the White Paper?

In return Muawiya gave him a blank paper at the end of which was the seal of Muawiya, and sent the message to Imam Hasan (as) that he may write on it (the white paper) whatever he thought fit. Ibn. Atham Kufi has also written about the blank paper with some variation.