Is Varian Wrynn a warrior or paladin?

Varian Wrynn
Title Former High King of the Alliance, King of Stormwind, Lo’Gosh, (The) Wolf, Leader of the Valiance Expedition Formerly: Champion of the Crimson Ring
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior

Is Varian Wrynn related to Arthas?

Arthas was heir to the throne, and his childhood was as close to idyllic as possible. Arthas grew into young manhood surrounded by those affected by the wars. His childhood friend was Varian Wrynn, the heir to Stormwind and presumptive King after the death of Llane.

What happened Varian Wrynn?

Varian was quickly surrounded and overwhelmed by demons, and bravely fought and slay a few — but eventually two felguard stabbed him through the back. Gul’dan mocked Varian as he laid on his knees, impaled by two weapons: “You will be known as the King who gave his life for NOTHING!”

What happened to Deathwing?

After making his final stand against the heroes and fellow Dragon Aspects who stood in his way, the final blow to the Destroyer was delivered by Thrall with the power of the Dragon Soul. As Deathwing’s distorted body submerges into the Maelstrom, his reign of destruction was finally brought to an end.

How did anduin get Varians sword?

This section concerns content exclusive to Legion. Shalamayne is featured prominently in the Battle on the Broken Shore and Varian was holding it when he was killed by Gul’dan. After his death, Anduin, his son, found the sword at the very place his father died, took hold of it, reactivating its power in a new light.

Who is Varian Wrynn son?

Anduin Llane Wrynn
Anduin Llane Wrynn is a fictional character who appears in the Warcraft series of video games by Blizzard Entertainment. First appearing in the original launch of World of Warcraft in 2004, Anduin is the son of Tiffin and Varian Wrynn, and the king of the human kingdom of Stormwind.

Is anduin dead?

Anduin is still alive. The sole reason Arthas turned into an udead was because FM was cursed to take the soul of its own user( “Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal.

Who kills Deathwing?

The Dragon Soul
After this battle, the four other aspects hid themselves, along with their dragonflights. The Dragon Soul (now known as the Demon Soul) was killing Deathwing, so he had the goblins forge him some adamantite armor to keep him from being torn apart.

Is King Varian Wrynn in Shadowlands?

Blizzard Can Bring Back Varian Wrynn In Shadowlands Blizzard can use the player’s time in the Shadowlands as the perfect excuse to finally explore where Varian was before he led the Valiance Expedition to Northrend, as well as how his actions have shaped the world up to this point.

Who is young Varian in the burning streets of Stormwind?

Young Varian in the burning streets of Stormwind. Varian Wrynn was born to King Llane Wrynn in the Kingdom of Azeroth and as a youth lived a joyful and prosperous life as prince of Stormwind.

What kind of blade does Varian Wrynn have?

Varian’s belt was previously worn by Anduin Lothar. Varian wields a legendary blade called Shalamayne, which was created from a fusion of Shalla’tor the Shadow Render and Ellemayne the Reaver.

Where did Anduin Lothar and Varian Wrynn escape?

Convinced that Stormwind could not be retaken, Anduin Lothar gathered Varian and all who remained in the city and led an escape from their homeland. Narrowly escaping by boat into the sea, they headed North while Lothar gathered his thoughts aboard his ship.

How old was Varian when he was crowned king of Stormwind?

Varian holding Tiffin as she dies. With Stormwind retaken and slowly being rebuilt (thanks to King Terenas, who had urged the Alliance to help fund the rebuilding of Stormwind), Varian was officially crowned King of Stormwind at the age of eighteen.