Where is Erg Chebbi located?

Saharan Morocco
Erg Chebbi is in Saharan Morocco. The dunes are one of Morocco’s best Sahara Desert destinations. Erg Chebbi special feature is its beautiful unique orange colored sand.

Why is Erg Chebbi important?

Tourism. Erg Chebbi’s proximity to the tourist center has led to the erg sometimes being referred to as “dunes of Merzouga.” During the warmest part of the year, Moroccans come to Erg Chebbi to be buried neck-deep in the hot sand for a few minutes at a time. This is considered to be a treatment for rheumatism.

Is ERG chigaga in the Sahara?

In Morocco, you have the choice between two broad areas where you can visit proper dunes; the Erg Chebbi dunes near to Merzouga and the Erg Chegaga dunes close to M’hamid. Both sets of dunes offer a fantastic experience and both involve betweeen 8 – 10 hours in the car.

Is Merzouga in the Sahara?

Merzouga[[25]] is a village in the Sahara Desert in Morocco, on the edge of Erg Chebbi, a 50km long and 5km wide set of sand dunes that reach up to 350m. Most people are here to take a camel safari into the dunes, and to get a taste of remote (tourism-influenced) Berber life.

Where is the Sahara desert?

North Africa
The Sahara Desert is the world’s largest hot desert and the third largest desert behind Antarctica and the Arctic. Located in North Africa, it covers large sections of the continent – covering 9,200,000 square kilometers which is comparable to the are of China or the US!

Is there a desert in Morocco?

The Sahara, the largest arid desert in the world, starts in Morocco with a mixture of sand and rock. It is a vast area, but one that is readily accessible from other parts of Morocco if a visitor has sufficient time to travel the vast distances involved.

What is the elevation of Erg Chebbi?

730 m
Erg Chebbi/Elevation

Is Merzouga worth visiting?

In fact, visiting the sand dunes makes Merzouga one of the best places to visit in Morocco. The Sahara sand dunes are made from wind-blown sand that collects in an area. The sand is believed to have some healing properties. Moroccans come to Erg Chebbi to treat rheumatism and some other conditions.

What color is Merzouga?

With the light of dawn, the sand of the desert takes a spectacular reddish color and as the sun rises, the color gets more yellowish.

How cold is Sahara at night?

25 degrees Fahrenheit
That’s because temperatures in the Sahara can plummet once the sun sets, from an average high of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) during the day to an average low of 25 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 4 degrees Celsius) during the night, according to NASA.