What is baby fundoplication Nissen?

Conclusion: Nissen fundoplication is an effective operation to correct gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children when the drug therapy fails. The operation should be done before occurrence of complications to decrease the recurrence of reflux.

How long does Nissen fundoplication surgery take?

The operation usually takes 60 -90 minutes. In a small number of cases the operation cannot be completed by keyhole surgery. The keyhole surgery is then abandoned and converted to an open operation; this requires a larger incision of 6 -10 inches in your abdomen.

Is Nissen fundoplication major surgery?

Like any major surgery, fundoplication also has a risk for complications that are usually treatable or transient. Some common complications are: Bleeding. Infection.

Can you have a baby after Nissen fundoplication?

The published studies I had reviewed showed no adverse outcome of pregnancy on Nissen fundoplication. In other words, most Nissen fundoplication patients undergo pregnancy with good acid reflux control and continue to be symptom free after delivery.

When is a fundoplication necessary?

Fundoplication surgery is most often used to treat GERD symptoms that are likely to be caused in part by a hiatal hernia and that have not been well controlled by medicines. The surgery may also be used for some people who do not have a hiatal hernia.

What is gastrostomy and fundoplication?

Gastrostomy and fundoplication are used to treat infants and children with failure to thrive, gastroesophageal reflux, and both primary and secondary aspiration. 1’4 These problems are most commonly encountered in children with impairment of the central nervous system.

Can burp after Nissen fundoplication?

Burping after Nissen fundoplication is not common either. Patients may have small burps results from small amount of air trapped above the wrap. However, “big burps” after Nissen fundoplication may indicate wrap failure.

What to expect following Nissen fundoplication?

Nissen Fundoplication: What to Expect at Home. Your Recovery. You may be sore and have some pain in your belly for several weeks after surgery. If you had laparoscopic surgery, you also may have pain near your shoulder for a day or two after surgery.

What are some long-term effects of Nissen fundoplication?

continued difficulty swallowing where you cannot swallow most foods normally

  • incomplete control of reflux symptoms
  • weight loss
  • abdominal discomfort
  • diarrhoea
  • tissues can join together in an abnormal way
  • What to eat after Nissen fundoplasty?

    Vanilla and strawberry-flavored ice cream

  • Sherbet
  • Vanilla and butterscotch pudding (no chocolate or coconut)
  • Nutritional drinks including Ensure®,Boost®,Carnation Instant Breakfast® (no chocolate-flavored)
  • Can I have a repeat Nissen fundoplication?

    Repeat surgery. Nissen fundoplication may stop working properly in some cases after a few months or years because the valve weakens and then some of the symptoms of GOR return. In this case, antireflux medicines may be effective but if the reflux is severe, the operation needs to be repeated.