What dinosaur was the best mother?

Immortalized as the “good mother dinosaur,” Maiasaura was a typical hadrosaur, or duck-billed dinosaur, of late Cretaceous North America.

How much did the Maiasaura weigh?

Maiasaura were big. Adults were up to 30 feet long (as long as three basketball goals laid end-to-end), 12 to 15 feet tall, and weighed around 3 to 4 tons (6,000 to 8,000 lbs.). They walked on all fours, but they could also stand on two legs for feeding.

Who named the Maiasaura?

The Maiasaura was first discovered in 1978 by Laurie Trexler, since then hundreds of specimens have been uncovered. It was later described by Jack Horner, known for his work as the paleontologic advisor for the Jurassic Park movies, and Robert Makela.

How many eggs did maiasaura lay?

The nests were made of earth and contained 30 to 40 eggs laid in a circular or spiral pattern. The eggs were about the size of ostrich eggs.

What type of fossil is the maiasaura?

duck-billed dinosaurs
Maiasaura, (genus Maiasaura), duck-billed dinosaurs (hadrosaurs) found as fossils from the Late Cretaceous Period (about 100 million to 65.5 million years old) of North America and whose discovery led to the theory that these bipedal herbivores cared for their young.

Why was maiasaura important?

Decades of research on Montana’s state fossil — the “good mother lizard” Maiasaura peeblesorum – has resulted in the most detailed life history of any dinosaur known and created a model to which all other dinosaurs can be compared, according to new research published today in the journal Paleobiology.

How many eggs did Maiasaura lay?

When was the first Maiasaura dinosaur fossil found?

Maiasaura (meaning “good mother reptile” or “good mother lizard” ) is a large herbivorous hadrosaurid (“duck-billed”) dinosaur genus that lived in the area currently covered by the state of Montana in the Upper Cretaceous Period (mid to late Campanian), about 76.7 million years ago. The first fossils of Maiasaura were discovered in 1978.

How big was the Maiasaura duck billed dinosaur?

Maiasaura was approximately 30 feet long, 8 feet tall and probably weighed around 4 tons. It was a duck-billed dinosaur that had a flattened skull and bony crests positioned in front of its eyes. Its beak didn’t have any teeth, but this dinosaur did have cheek teeth—and many sharp ones at that.

What did Maiasaura do to the goats in Dinosaur King?

Maiasaura was very protective of her egg, but allowed the goats near it. When the D-Team teleported in right in front of her, they thought that she was attacking them, so Max summoned Chomp to battle her.

What did Maiasaura do to the D-team?

Maiasaura was very protective of her egg, but allowed the goats near it. When the D-Team teleported in right in front of her, they thought that she was attacking them, so Max summoned Chomp to battle her. They were equally strong, but when the Alpha Gang spotted them, Ursula summoned Terry to battle them.