How do you conduct a flag ceremony?

Flag Ceremony Commands

  1. “Girl Scouts, Attention.”
  2. “Color guard, Attention.”
  3. “Color guard, Advance.”
  4. “Color guard, post the colors.”
  5. “Color guard, salute the colors.”
  6. “Girl Scouts, honor your colors.”
  7. “We will now say the Pledge of Allegiance.”
  8. “We will now sing the National Anthem.”

What does the color guard say?

9. Commander: “Color Guard, present the colors.” Commander says loud and clearly “I pledge allegiance…” Color Guard remains quiet and facing the American flag, and does not salute yet or recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

What do you do in Philippine flag ceremony?

1. The observance of the flag ceremony shall be simple and dignified and shall include the playing or singing of the Philippine National Anthem; 2. During the flag-raising ceremony, the assembly shall stand in formation facing the flag.

What are the prohibited acts in the flag code?

The following are prohibited with respect to the flag: – To mutilate, deface, defile, trample on, cast contempt or commit on the flag or any act or omission that casts dishonor or ridicule upon the flag over its surface (thus, it is illegal to burn the Philippine flag during rallies).

Do Girl Scouts salute?

Girl Scouts always use the citizen’s salute even if they are in uniform. Stand at attention and place your right hand over your heart. Salute: • when the flag is being raised or lowered. Guards One or more for each flag — helps to post the colors, if this is done and protects the flag’s honor.

How do you call a flag for scouts?

The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room – or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Leader: “Color Guard, Attention!” Leader: “Audience, Please Rise!” Leader: “Scout Salute!

What do you need to know about the WEBELO crossover ceremony?

Prior to the ceremony, the troop members are given the items that they will be responsible for, to take care of the new scouts’s. Since we have 6 new scouts’s, 6 of the troop scouts’s will have a troop neckerchief to replace the webelo neckerchief, the other 6 troop scouts’s will have new applets to replace the pack applets.

How to do the flag opening ceremony in Boy Scouts?

Basic Flag Opening Ceremony. Script: Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room – or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Leader: “Color Guard, Attention!”

Where are the Webelos Scouts in the book?

A darkened room, a single candle burning on a table. The Webelos Scouts (their parents behind them) are lined up near the Scoutmaster who is standing beside the flame.SM: “The flame you see before you represents the Flame of Knowledge. You Webelos Scouts who are bridging over to Boy Scouts

Where is the color guard in the opening ceremony?

Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room – or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Leader: “Color Guard, Attention!”