What was the newest technology in 2015?

These are the 10 best technology advances of 2015.

  1. Simple Blood Tests for Cancer.
  2. Brain Organoids.
  3. Cars That Communicate with One Another.
  4. Zero-emissions Vehicles.
  5. Sense and Avoid Drones.
  6. Artificial Intelligence Fools Humans.
  7. Holographic Computer.
  8. Smartphone Screens That Sense Pressure.

What technology is in 2019?

Autonomous vehicles and robotics are the two industries that will see the most rapid developments during 2019. In 2019, there is going to be a convergence of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in business applications.

What was invented in 2013?

Top 100 Inventions in 2013

  • Perfectly Straight Scissors. The ‘Linear Scissors’ Let You Rapidly Cut Immaculate Lines.
  • Innovative Hollow Handsets.
  • Clever Cable Grabbers.
  • Digital Store Scanners.
  • Cutting-Edge Thread Printers.
  • Eyesight-Activated Dresses.
  • Computer-Synced Chronometers.
  • Wrist-Worn Cooking Companions.

What are new innovations in technology?

Gadgets. It’s easy to get excited about a shiny new device.

  • Personal Care. At a time when people are working (and playing) harder than ever before,consumers are hungry for products that make them feel not just good,but better.
  • Entertainment.
  • Security.
  • Recreation.
  • Aerospace.
  • Engineering.
  • What are inventions and innovations?

    Main Difference. The main difference between invention and innovation is that while the invention is an act of designing, discovering or creating a new process, product, device or method; innovation is transforming or updating an existing product, device, method or process in order to enhance its value.

    What are inventions in science?

    And according to Wikipedia scientific invention is. “An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an object or a result. An invention that achieves a completely unique function or result may be a radical breakthrough.