Why is Touching Spirit Bear bad?

All of this having been said, Touching Spirit Bear is fatally flawed by Mikaelsen’s inexcusable playing around with Tlingit culture, cosmology and ritual; and his abysmal lack of understanding of traditional banishment.

Is Touching Spirit Bear a true story?

In its most simple definition, Touching Spirit Bear is considered realistic fiction. Because it is not a true story, the novel is typical fiction, and because the events of the novel could happen to any person, it is also realistic.

Is Ghost of Spirit bear a sequel to Touching Spirit Bear?

In award-winning author Ben Mikaelsen’s riveting sequel to the acclaimed word-of-mouth bestseller Touching Spirit Bear, readers will be captivated by what Booklist calls a “hugely satisfying resolution.”

What does Garvey look like in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey is Cole’s parole officer after Cole is arrested for assaulting Peter. Garvey is built like a bulldog and annoys Cole, since he’s unwaveringly friendly, visits all the time, and seems to see right through Cole’s tough façade.

What is the main conflict in Touching Spirit Bear?

The primary conflict in Ben Mikaelsen’s Touching Spirit Bear is primarily an internal one. Cole Matthews is an angry young man. He grew up in a dysfunctional family; his mother is weak and timid and his father is aggressive and cruel.

What is the main message of Touching Spirit Bear?

The major theme of the book is that you need to overcome your past before you can move forward. Cole learns that he cannot run away from his past. He has suffered, but that suffering is a part of him. He has to learn from his past, and how to overcome it.

What genres does Ben Mikaelsen?

Ben Mikaelsen (born c. 1952, Bolivia) is a writer of children’s literature.

What is the plot of Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole receives a one-year banishment to a remote Alaskan island. There, he is mauled by Mysterious white bear of Native American legend. Hideously injured, Cole waits for his death His thoughts shift from from Anger to humility. To survive, he must stop blaming others and take responsibility for his life.

Why does Garvey help Cole?

Garvey is the one who gets Cole into the Circle Justice program because he believes Cole can still be saved and shouldn’t go to jail where he’ll just become a hardened criminal.

Why did Garvey help Cole?

” Garvey says he helps him for selfish reasons. Not that he doesn’t care about Cole (as he assumes) but that is how he helps himself, by helping other people. He says that he too had been a delinquent when he was younger and wishes someone had taken him through the Circle Justice instead of jail.