What is a fun get to know you question?

What tradition did your family have when you were growing up? If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? What’s the most awkward or embarrassing thing you’ve done for someone you loved? Have you ever met a real person with an unfortunate name?

What should I ask a bookworm?

Best Questions for Book Lovers

  • What genres do you love?
  • What genres do you dislike?
  • What makes you love a book?
  • What makes you recommend a book?
  • Do you enjoy reading aloud?
  • Did anyone read to you when you were a kid?
  • Have you ever met a famous author face-to-face?
  • What living author would you love to meet?

What are 20 questions to ask to get to know someone?

Ask These 20 Questions To Get To Know People:

  • When is your birthday?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What was your favorite school subject?
  • Do you have a small or big family?
  • What genres of music do you like best?

What questions do you ask a reader?

10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself While Reading

  • What question(s) would you ask the author if you had the chance?
  • Where else could you learn more about the topic of your reading?
  • What’s the goal of the author?
  • What are the least — and most — important parts of what you’re reading?
  • Who is the main character?

What are good discussion questions for a book?

General Book Club Questions

  • What was your favorite part of the book?
  • What was your least favorite?
  • Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?
  • Which scene has stuck with you the most?
  • What did you think of the writing?
  • Did you reread any passages?
  • Would you want to read another book by this author?

What do you need to know about a gerbil?

Gerbils live in groups in the wild, and are happiest when kept in pairs. Gerbils are highly intelligent. They can learn how to use a litter box, and memorize a maze. The more you know about gerbils, the better the gerbil owner you’ll be in the future.

Can a gerbil be taught to jump over obstacles?

Gerbils can be taught to leap onto their owner’s shoulder, to jump over obstacles or through hoops. However, a gerbil’s agility does have a downside. You must be careful where you keep your gerbil, because they’re great at escaping. Keep a lid on your gerbil’s cage or tank at all times.

What should I do if my gerbil has a seizure?

Physiological Psychology found that gerbils raised in isolation are prone to stress-induced seizures. The best thing to do is to keep a pair of same-sex gerbils together. Stick to two gerbils, as the larger the gerbil group, the more likely that declanning will occur.

How many species of gerbils are there in the world?

There are over 100 different species of gerbil. The species we keep as a pet is from Mongolia, but wild gerbils live all across Africa and Asia. Gerbils live in groups in the wild, and are happiest when kept in pairs. Gerbils are highly intelligent. They can learn how to use a litter box, and memorize a maze.