What is time course RNA-seq?

Time-course RNA sequencing experiments provide an opportunity to evaluate gene expression patterns related to specific stages of development or at different time points after a particular treatment (Cho et al. 2015; Larrainzar et al.

What is time course expression?

In time course expression analysis, gene expression is measured at multiple time points during a natural biological process such as spontaneous differentiation of progenitor cells, or during an induced biological process such as cellular response to a stimulus or treatment (Storey et al. 2005).

How do I check RNA-seq data?

For most RNA‐seq studies, the data analyses consist of the following key steps [5, 6]: (1) quality check and preprocessing of raw sequence reads, (2) mapping reads to a reference genome or transcriptome, (3) counting reads mapped to individual genes or transcripts, (4) identification of differential expression (DE) …

How long are RNA-seq reads?

While second-generation sequencers produce very large numbers of reads, their read lengths are typically quite short, in the range of 75–125 bp for most RNA-seq experiments.

What is time course experiment?

Time-course experiments (which are much more demanding) require that the effects of added drugs are observed at differing concentrations over the course of a given time frame. The purpose of TCEs is to determine how long it may take for particular drugs to exhibit their effects.

What does RNA-Seq data show?

RNA-Seq (named as an abbreviation of “RNA sequencing”) is a sequencing technique which uses next-generation sequencing (NGS) to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological sample at a given moment, analyzing the continuously changing cellular transcriptome.

What can we do with RNA-Seq data?

Integration with other data types

  • The integration of RNA-seq data with other types of genome-wide data (Fig.
  • The combination of RNA and DNA sequencing can be used for several purposes, such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery, RNA-editing analyses, or expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) mapping.

How big is RNA-seq data?

10 Gb
A typical RNA-seq read file is over 10 Gb. Typically to obtain the raw data, my collaborators send a hard drive to the sequencing facility – courier service is faster than up and down-loading from the computing Cloud! After mapping to the reference, the reads are converted to counts per feature.

What is RNA-seq data?

RNAseq is the most recent transcriptomic approach where the total complement of RNAs from a given sample is isolated and sequenced using high-throughput technologies (often called Next-Generation Sequencing).

What can I do with RNA-Seq data?

Some of the most popular techniques that use RNA-seq are transcriptional profiling, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification, 3 RNA editing and differential gene expression analysis. This can give researchers vital information about the function of genes.