How do you keep mold out of Christmas pudding?

To avoid mould, we recommend you wrap the cooled pudding in plastic wrap and seal it in a freezer bag or airtight container.

How do you serve Christmas pudding?

Although the pud is undoubtedly the star, all that rich, fruity filling needs a dollop of something creamy and cool to serve alongside. Pour over double cream, spoon on thick clotted cream or serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a quick win, or whip up your own boozy brandy butter for ultimate indulgence.

How long can you keep a Christmas pudding?

The pudding can be stored for up to two years in a cool, dry place. To serve, reheat the pudding by steaming again (in the same way) for two hours, or until hot all the way through. Alternatively, remove the foil and reheat in the microwave.

Can you Oversteam a Christmas pudding?

The puddings can usually tolerate some extra steaming time, though it should be 4 hours rather than 12. However the pudding does not need a long maturing time so 1-2 days before Christmas would be fine.

How many times can you reheat Christmas pudding?

On December 25th, regardless of whether you have steamed or microwaved the pudding in advance, you will need to reheat it in the microwave. But beware that the pudding should not be re-heated by microwave more than twice.

Can you steam a pudding in a plastic bowl?

Nigella suggests using a plastic pudding basin with a clip-on lid as these are easy to use and not too expensive. If you have difficulties finding a pudding basin then a Pyrex bowl, or similar heatproof glass bowl, could be used. The steaming times are the same as for a pudding basin.

When should you eat Christmas pudding?

Although Christmas Puddings are eaten at Christmas, some customs associated with the pudding are about Easter! The decorative sprig of holly on the top of the pudding is a reminder of Jesus’ Crown of Thorns that he wore when he was killed.

What alcohol do you put in Christmas pudding?

Choose an alcohol with a high spirit content such as rum, brandy or whisky….

  1. Remove any wrapping, parchment paper, cling film or kitchen foil from your hot pudding.
  2. Put a warm, heatproof serving plate on top of the hot pudding, carefully invert it and let the pudding slide out onto the plate.
  3. Keep warm until serving.

Where should I store my Christmas pudding?

Cooking and storing After you have steamed and cooled your pudding, replace the foil with a freshly buttered piece to keep it moist and store in a cool, dark place, or the fridge, until you are ready to reheat it on Christmas day.

What happens if water gets into Christmas pudding?

Make sure you cover the basin well with the parchment and foil, if the water gets in then your Christmas pudding will be soggy. And be sure to make a pleat in your lid to give the pudding space to rise.

How do you moisten a dry Christmas pudding?

Pour in enough just-boiled water to come almost to the rim of the basin to give it a headstart. On the stove, cook for a minimum of 3 hours simmering away standing in just boiled water up to an inch below the rim of the puddings (and be sure to top it up regularly so the pan doesn’t run dry).

What should I Wrap my Pudding mould in?

However you will need to wrap the mould carefully. We suggest firstly covering the top of the pudding batter with a circle of baking parchment (parchment paper). Then wrap the basin very tightly in a double layer of clingfilm (plastic wrap).

Do you cover the top of Christmas pudding?

It is pretty difficult to over-cook a Christmas pudding and steaming is a very gentle method of cooking. However you will need to wrap the mould carefully. We suggest firstly covering the top of the pudding batter with a circle of baking parchment (parchment paper).

How often should you check your Christmas pudding?

It is wise to give the Christmas Pudding a visual check once a month for any signs of mould on the outside of the Calico. Storing uncooked (raw) pudding mixture?

Do you have to feed Christmas pudding with brandy?

It was described as being like a rock before it was boiled/steamed (for many hours) before serving, but apparently tasted just fine! It’s really not necessary to keep “feeding” a pudding with brandy, the keeping qualities of a pudding are mostly determined by the amount of sugar (both the added sugar and the sugar in the fruit).