What is a traditional African American Christmas dinner?

Other items including, corn bread, biscuits, dressing (not stuffing), gumbo, chicken and dumplings, and a variety of rice dishes (i.e. pigeon peas and rice, yellow rice, jambalaya or white rice paired with black eyed peas, traditionally called Hoppin’ John) or butter beans are all found on the holiday table in black …

What is a traditional Christmas dinner in the South?

In my extended Southern family, Christmas dinner is always a near duplicate of our Thanksgiving dinner with the addition of seafood dishes, but even in the South, recipes for a Christmas menu can range from the familiar turkey and dressing, to large cuts of prime beef and crown roasts, leg of lamb, dishes centered …

What is a traditional Christmas dinner in French?

The main course is traditionally a meat dish, usually roasted. You can have capon (chapon in French), turkey (dinde), even guinea fowl (pintade) or pheasant (faisan). They are usually stuffed with chestnut and served with mushrooms and some vegetables.

Is Ham a traditional Christmas dinner?

A Christmas ham or Yule ham is a ham often served for Christmas dinner or during Yule in Northern Europe and the Anglosphere.

Why is ham a traditional Christmas dinner?

Supposedly, the tradition started with the Germans, who wanted to appease the god, Freyr. He was the god of fertility, harvest, and boars. Paganism also offered many traditions for Christianity, including Christmas trees. And so, the tradition of the Christmas ham was born.

What should I buy for Christmas dinner?

Christmas Food Shopping Checklist

  • Turkey (or other meat of choice)
  • Stuffing.
  • Pigs in blankets. Pork chipolatas. Streaky bacon.
  • Roast potatoes. Potatoes. Goose fat.
  • Parsnips.
  • Carrots.
  • Peas.
  • Sprouts.

What meat do French people eat for Christmas?

Chestnuts are everywhere in France at Christmas, so it’s natural you would find them stuffed inside turkey. Including guinea fowl (pintade), quail (caille), pheasant (faisan), goose (oie) – particularly in the Alsace region of eastern France – and of course chicken (poulet).

Why do Christians eat ham for Christmas?

The tradition of eating ham is thought to have evolved from the Germanic pagan ritual of sacrificing a wild boar known as a sonargöltr to the Norse god Freyr during harvest festivals. The Christian adoption of this tradition stems from St Stephen’s Day.