How many languages are there in India Census 2011?

22 languages
Of these, 22 languages are included in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. The 22 languages included in the Eighth Schedule account for the mother tongue of 96.72 percent Indians as per the 2011 census.

How many national languages are there in India?

Q. What are the 22 national languages of India? Ans. 22 languages are->Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.

What is India’s national language?

India/Official languages

Recognising that India is ultimately a multilingual country, the framers of the Constitution also allowed states to adopt one or more regional languages — or the language used in the state — apart from Hindi as the language for official purposes.

What are the 14 official languages of India?

1) Assamese, (2) Bengali, (3) Gujarati, (4) Hindi, (5) Kannada, (6) Kashmiri, (7) Konkani, (8) Malayalam, (9) Manipuri, (10) Marathi, (11) Nepali, (12) Oriya, (13) Punjabi, (14) Sanskrit, (15) Sindhi, (16) Tamil, (17) Telugu, (18) Urdu (19) Bodo, (20) Santhali, (21) Maithili and (22) Dogri.

How many languages are in the Census 2021?

16 languages
2021 census will be carried out in 16 languages.

How many languages are there in India 2020?

As of today, the Indian constitution recognizes 22 major languages of India in what is known as “the 8th Schedule” of the Constitution.

Why India has no national language?

The Indian constitution does not specify the official languages to be used by the states for the conduct of their official functions and leaves each state free to, through its legislature, adopt Hindi or any language used in its territory as its official language or languages.

What are the 16 official languages of India?

Languages of India
Official Assamese Bengali Bodo Dogri English Gujarati Hindi Kannada Kashmiri Konkani Maithili Malayalam Marathi Meitei Nepali Odia Punjabi Sanskrit Santali Sindhi Tamil Telugu Urdu (total: 23, including 22 8th Schedule languages and additional official language, English)

How many language are there in India at 2021?

Ans: There are 22 scheduled languages in India. They are Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odhia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.

What is the theme of 2021 census?

Firsts of Census 2021: Cereals eaten, transgender run houses For the first time, the Census will collect data of transgenders headed houses. Also, the census will enquire about “Main cereal”, which is also included for the first time in the history of census of India.

How many official languages are spoken in India?

Over 700 languages are spoken in India. However, India has no national language. As per the 8 th schedule of Indian constitution, there are 22 scheduled or official languages that are given official acknowledgement and support.

How many native speakers are there in India?

The 2001 census recorded 29 individual languages as having more than 1 million native speakers (0.1% of total population). The languages in bold are scheduled languages (the only scheduled language with less than 1 million native speakers is Sanskrit).

Which is the third most spoken language in India?

Marathi is the third most spoken and understood language in the country with a significant amount of speakers in South-Western regions. However, there have been concerns raised with Hindi being imposed in South India, most notably in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

Which is the official language of the Indian Parliament?

The business in Indian parliament can only be transacted in Hindi or in English. English is allowed to be used in official purposes such as parliamentary proceedings, judiciary, communications between the Central Government and a State Government.