How do you announce a podcast?

Here’s a quick recap:

  1. Build an email list or outreach list before your podcast launches.
  2. Record 3-5 podcast episodes before you launch.
  3. Pick a launch date.
  4. Create assets like images, clips, and shareable quotes.
  5. Launch day!
  6. Message your list to ask them to listen and review.
  7. Keep publishing new episodes consistently.

What is podcast promotion?

Podcast promotion is something that’s on the minds of many podcasters, even before they’ve launched their first episode. It’s true that the best way to grow an audience is to create great content. If you never do any podcast promotion, then it’s unlikely your show will fulfil its true potential.

How do I market my podcast 2021?

19 Podcast Marketing Strategies for 2021

  1. Understand Your Why.
  2. Create Great Content.
  3. Take Time to Craft Your Titles and Descriptions.
  4. Launch With a Few Episodes.
  5. Start or Update Your Website.
  6. Optimize for SEO.
  7. Start an Email Newsletter.
  8. Submit to Podcast Directories.

How do I make my podcast famous?

Social media

  1. Convert your podcast into a YouTube video.
  2. Cut that YouTube video into clips.
  3. Customize posts to each social media channel.
  4. Tease episodes with audiograms.
  5. Record a tagline with your guest.
  6. Add value on social media.
  7. Run giveaways on social media.

How do podcasts go viral?

In Summary

  1. Become an early mover in a niche.
  2. Release frequent content.
  3. Use all distribution networks.
  4. Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.
  5. Grow your mailing lists.
  6. Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.
  7. Send guests links to their episodes.

How do I promote my podcast on social media?

Table of Contents

  1. Host guests, leverage their name, and connect with their audience.
  2. Share your episodes to the right social networks.
  3. Share new episodes (and sneak previews) to your personal social media channels too.
  4. Record your podcast on Facebook Live.
  5. Run a giveaway.
  6. Create accompanying blog post.

How do I drive traffic to my podcast?

8 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Podcast On Social Media

  1. Social media promotion.
  2. Share episode updates.
  3. Pin your episode to your page.
  4. Create stand alone images.
  5. Tease the audience.
  6. Reshare, reshare, reshare.
  7. Use stories to your advantage.
  8. Launch day.

Do podcasters make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more.