What does insufficient for diagnosis mean?

Insufficient for diagnosis means that a diagnosis could not be made from the tissue sample provided by your doctor. This can happen when the tissue sample is too small, was damaged during retrieval or processing, or because the cells in the sample were no longer alive at the time the sample was received in the lab.

What is a curettage biopsy?

Curettage is the term used to describe surgical scraping, which may be used to clean a body cavity of foreign matter, to remove diseased tissue such as tumors or growths or to obtain a biopsy that can be used for diagnosis. It involves the use of a small, spoon-shaped tool with a very sharp edge called a curette.

Is curettage a way to diagnose cancer?

Endometrial biopsy is often a very accurate way to diagnose uterine cancer. People who have abnormal vaginal bleeding before the test may still need a dilation and curettage (D&C see below), even if no abnormal cells are found during the biopsy. Dilation and curettage (D&C).

Why biopsy is done after D&C?

After diagnostic D&C, a pathologist examines the tissue with a microscope to evaluate for certain conditions such as endometrial polyps, precancer of the lining of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia), or endometrial (uterine) cancer.

Why would a biopsy be sent for a second opinion?

When you face a serious diagnosis like cancer or one that requires surgery, it’s a good idea to get a medical second opinion on the interpretation of your biopsy. That second opinion can confirm the original diagnosis and treatment plan or, in some cases, change the diagnosis.

What does curettage mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of curettage : a surgical scraping or cleaning by means of a curette.

What level of ca125 indicates cancer?

While a CA 125 level over 35 may indicate cancer, it does not always mean the person has cancer….CA 125 Levels Chart.

CA 125 Levels (units/mL) Potential Cancer
0 – 35 (normal) Unlikely to have cancer. 99% of the time, it means no cancer.
>35 (high) Possible cancer. More tests will be needed for a diagnosis.

How treatable is uterine cancer?

Many women with stage 1 womb cancer are cured. If womb cancer is diagnosed at stage 2, you have around a 77% chance of living at least 5 more years. If the condition is diagnosed at stage 3, you have a 40% chance of living at least another 5 years. Around 1 in 4 womb cancers are diagnosed at stage 4.

Is D and C painful?

The procedure shouldn’t be painful. However, you may experience some cramping during the procedure. Your doctor may order some type of sedative for you to take beforehand so that you’ll be more relaxed.

Can D and C treat fibroids?

A D&C allows removal of the uterine lining and examination of the tissue under a microscope by a pathologist. This can help establish the cause of the abnormal bleeding. The causes of irregular or abnormal bleeding include: Fibroids and polyps: These conditions are very common.

What’s the difference between a curettage and a biopsy?

Curettage: Removal of growths or other material by scraping with a curette. Excisional biopsy (total): The removal of a growth in its entirety by having a therapeutic as well as diagnostic purpose. Incisional biopsy: Incomplete removal of a growth for the purpose of diagnostic study. Needle biopsy: Same as aspiration biopsy.

Can a curettage be used for an ear biopsy?

Curettage Biopsy. It is ideal for doing a biopsy in a crevice such as the conchal bowl of the ear. Essentially, it “scoops out” a plug of skin. I routinely use curettes to even out a biopsy of a raised lesion as it can remove any residual skin so the lesion is flush with the surrounding skin.

How is a curettage and desiccation used for skin cancer?

A curettage and electrodesiccation, also known as a curettage and desiccation, is a skin cancer treatment used to remove basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. During the procedure, your doctor will scrape the affected skin surface with a curette (a spoon-shaped instrument).

What happens after a curettage and electrodesiccation procedure?

When the area has been cleaned, your doctor will bandage the wound. The wound can appear crusty and ooze fluid for as long as six weeks after the procedure. You will be able to drive yourself home after a curettage and electrodesiccation procedure.
