Is Dillon and Coleysia still together?

Unfortunately, for all the fans who had been rooting for Coleysia and Dillan, they are not together. Despite being one of the strongest pairs in the debut season, their relationship failed in the long haul. After the show, both Coleysia and Dillan went back to living a life away from the spotlight.

Where is Chris Scali now?

Chris Scali is killing it nowadays, living in Brooklyn, New York. He’s the founder and CEO of the WOMME app, and frequently shares photos riding his motorcycle and hanging with friends.

How long did Coleysia and Dillan date?

Dillan and Coleysia (season 1) (In fact, these two were paired up on the VERY FIRST matching ceremony #boom). Sadly, after five weeks together in the honeymoon sweet – it was not to be. It was revealed in the reunion show that these two lovebirds are no longer a couple.

Is Shanley and Chris still together?

Are Chris and Shanley still together? Sadly, no. According to Instagram, Shanley is living her best life in Los Angeles with boyfriend Cameron Porras.

What happened to Chris T and Shanley?

Shanley and Chris stole the hearts of America but failed to remain committed to each other. As the reunion episode clarified, the “geography” killed their relationship. Due to the long distance between them, their romance eventually fizzled out.

Who was Coleysia match?

On Week 5 her Perfect Match was revealed to be Dillan Ostrom thanks to the Truth Booth and the pair attempted to continue their romantic relationship which ultimately failed.

How old is Chris Scali Are you the one?

He was 24 years old at the time of being on the show and was from Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Are Scali and Jacy together?

Reportedly, Chris is engaged. He and his partner are raising two kids. Even though Chris Scali was meant to be with Jacy Rodriguez, he preferred to hang out with other contestants like Paige Brendel during his time on the show. Judging by their Instagram activities, Chris and Jacy could be single.

Is it true that Coleysia and Dillan are still together?

Are Coleysia and Dillan still together? Unfortunately, for all the fans who had been rooting for Coleysia and Dillan, they are not together. Despite being one of the strongest pairs in the debut season, their relationship failed in the long haul. After the show, both Coleysia and Dillan went back to living a life away from the spotlight.

Who was Coleysia chestnut before are you the one?

Coleysia Chestnut lived a normal life and was an average blue collared worker before she appeared on Are You The One? The show turned her into a television and Internet star while she also found ‘the one’ on the show. The North Dakota-native, Dillan Ostrom, worked as a personal trainer before he appeared on the show.

What did Coleysia do before she started her business?

Instagram According to her Instagram handle, Coleysia’s former dream to work for NASA has been put on hold. Before starting her business venture, she returned to Alabama and worked as a business analyst for a logics and supply chain. She has also become a social media influencer and entrepreneur.