How check date is null in SQL?

How to Test for NULL Values?

  1. SELECT column_names. FROM table_name. WHERE column_name IS NULL;
  2. SELECT column_names. FROM table_name. WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;
  3. Example. SELECT CustomerName, ContactName, Address. FROM Customers. WHERE Address IS NULL;
  4. Example. SELECT CustomerName, ContactName, Address. FROM Customers.

IS null check in Db2?

The null indicator is used by DB2 to track whether its associated column is null or not. A positive value or a value of 0 means the column is not null and any actual value stored in the column is valid. If the value is -2 then the column was set to null as the result of a data conversion error.

Can a date field be null?

In php, the mysql null dates type will be respected with the standard mysql connector, and be real nulls ($var === null, is_null($var)). Empty dates will always be represented as ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’. I strongly advise to use only null dates, OR only empty dates if you can.

How does Db2 handle null values?

Db2 uses a special value indicator, the null value , to stand for an unknown or missing value. A null value is a special value that Db2 interprets to mean that no data is present. If you do not specify otherwise,Db2 allows any column to contain null values.

Is NULL or empty SQL query?

NULL is used in SQL to indicate that a value doesn’t exist in the database. It’s not to be confused with an empty string or a zero value. While NULL indicates the absence of a value, the empty string and zero both represent actual values.

How do I insert a NULL into a date column?

“NULL” can be specified as a value in the Date field to get an empty/blank by using INSERT statement. Example: CREATE table test1 (col1 date); INSERT into test1 values (NULL);

IS NULL check in mysql?

To look for NULL values, you must use the IS NULL test. The following statements show how to find the NULL phone number and the empty phone number: mysql> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE phone IS NULL; mysql> SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE phone = ”; See Section 3.3.

What is not null with default in Db2?

If a column is defined as NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT or if you do not specify NOT NULL, Db2 stores a default value for a column whenever an insert or load does not provide a value for that column. If a column is defined as NOT NULL, Db2 does not supply a default value.

What should be the value of indicator variable of a column for NULL and not null value?

Important: When a host variable is null, its indicator variable has the value -1; when a host variable is not null, the indicator variable has a value other than -1.

When to use null as default in DB2?

When inserting data, if the user fails to make an entry in a column that allows nulls, DB2 supplies the NULL as a default (unless another default value exists). If an attempt to insert NULL is made against a column defined as NOT NULL, the statement will fail.

How to check StartDate is NOT NULL in SQL?

The syntax noted above is ANSI SQL standard and the converse would be StartDate IS NOT NULL. You can run the following: SELECT CASE WHEN (NULL = NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS EqualityCheck, CASE WHEN (NULL <> NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS InEqualityCheck, CASE WHEN (NULL IS NULL) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS NullComparison

What does a negative value mean in DB2?

A negative value indicates that the column is set to null. If the value is -2 then the column was set to null as the result of a data conversion error. Let’s take a moment to clear up a common misunderstanding right here: nulls NEVER save storage space in DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS.

When is null not equal to null in SQL?

All of the statuses are set to Approved even though the dates have some nulls StartDate is a smalldatetime, is there some exception to how this should be treated? You code would have been doing a When StartDate = NULL, I think. NULL is never equal to NULL (as NULL is the absence of a value). NULL is also never not equal to NULL.