What is the conjugation of hacer?

Hacer conjugation: basic forms

Subject Present Preterite
yo hago hice
haces hiciste
él, ella, Usted hace hizo
nosotros hacemos hizimos

What is the subjunctive of hacer?

Subject Pronouns Hacer: Present Subjunctive Translation
él/ella/usted haga he/she does/makes – you formal do/make
nosotros/as hagamos we do/make
vosotros/as hagáis you all do/make
ellos/ellas/ustedes hagan they/you all formal do/make

What is the infinitive of hacer?

Hacer is an important verb, widely used, and with quite a unique set of conjugations. Let’s learn all there is to know about the verb hacer and its conjugations….Hacer Verbals.

Verbal Example
Infinitive hacer (to do, to make) No tengo nada que hacer. – I have nothing to do.

What is hacer in present tense?

Present Simple of Hacer

Subject Pronouns Hacer Conjugation: Present Simple Translation
yo hago I do/make
haces you do/make
él/ella/usted hace he/she/you (formal) does/makes
nosotros/nosotras hacemos we do/make

What is the past tense of hacer?

Lesson Summary

Yo hice Nosotros
hiciste Vosotros
Él/ella/usted hizo Ellos/ellas/ustedes

Is hacer a stem changing?

Thankfully, while hacer has an irregular stem (har-), you can still use the regular -er verb endings for this one.

When do you use hacer conjugation in Spanish?

Updated January 27, 2019. One of the most common verbs in Spanish, hacer, which means “to make” or “to do,” is highly irregular. This article demonstrates hacer conjugations in the present, past and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms.

When to use Hacer in the imperative affirmative?

Hacer in the Imperative Affirmative. The Imperative Affirmative is used to give orders and commands, to tell someone to do something. For example, “haga”, meaning “(to you formal) do! “.

Which is an example of hacer imperfect indicative?

Hacer Imperfect Indicative . The imperfect tense is conjugated regularly, using the stem hac plus the imperfect ending for -er verbs (ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían). Remember that the imperfect can be translated as “was making” or “used to make.”

Which is the correct form of hacer present progressive?

Hacer Present Progressive/Gerund Form The equivalent of the English -ing form, gerund or present participle, is the – ando or -iendo form in Spanish. The gerund for hacer is formed regularly, using the ending -iendo. Present Progressive of Hacer