How do you calculate braking distance GCSE?

Stopping distances

  1. In an emergency, a driver must bring their vehicle to a stop in the shortest distance possible:
  2. stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance.
  3. This is when:
  4. Reaction time varies from person to person, but is between typically 0.2 s and 0.9 s.

What is the formula for determining braking distance?

The braking distance, in feet, of a car traveling at v miles per hour is given by d= 2.2v+\frac{v^2}{20}.

What is the braking force formula?

The average force applied by the brake is the multiplication of the car’s mass with the deceleration of the car. Now the deceleration of the car is =vi−vft v i − v f t .

What is braking distance Bitesize?

The braking distance is the distance taken to stop once the brakes are applied. The braking distance increases if: the car’s brakes or tyres are in a poor condition. there are poor road and weather conditions (eg icy or wet roads)

How do you calculate brake?

Easy method: Calculate the braking distance Formula: Remove the zero from the speed, multiply the figure by itself and then multiply by 0.4. The figure 0.4 is taken from the fact that the braking distance from 10 km/h in dry road conditions is approximately 0.4 metres.

How do you calculate stopping distance in meters?

All you need to do is multiply the speed by intervals of 0.5, starting with 2. That’ll give you the stopping distance in feet, which is acceptable for the theory test. For example… There are 3.3 feet in a metre – so divide the distance in feet by 3.3 to get the stopping distance in metres.

How do you calculate stopping distance?

Stopping distance = reaction distance + braking distance.

How is stopping distance related to braking distance?

stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance

What is the braking distance of an 800 kg car?

Here’s one for you. What will be the braking distance of an 800 kg car travelling at 25 m/s, whose brakes apply a force of 5,000 N?

What is the braking force of a car?

The car in the previous example has a total mass of 900 kg. With a braking force of 2,000 N, what will the braking distance be? What is the stopping distance for the car above?

What’s the difference between braking and thinking distance?

thinking distance is the distance a vehicle travels in the time it takes for the driver to apply the brakes after realising they need to stop. braking distance is the distance a vehicle travels in