What is a ships passenger list called?

Part 1: Introduction. Immigration records, more popularly known as “ship passenger arrival records,” may provide evidence of a person’s arrival in the United States, as well as foreign birthplace. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has immigration records for various ports for the years 1800-1959.

What was the list of immigrant names from the steamships called?

General Information. Immigration records, also known as “passenger arrival records,” can provide genealogical information including: a person’s nationality, place of birth. ship name and date of entry to the United States.

How do I find my Irish immigration records?

The best guide is at www.genealogybranches.com/irishpassengerlists. An excellent composite search site for all North American records is www.stevemorse.org. 2. Australia and New Zealand: The biggest single collection of Australian passenger lists is at the subscription site www.ancestry.com.au/immigration.

How do you find relatives who came through Ellis Island?

You can search the name index for your ancestors or browse the record images. This is a searchable index of 25 million names of immigrants and international passengers who arrived at Ellis Island from 1892 to 1924. Once you find a name of interest, you can click through to view individual record images at FamilySearch.

What does it mean when a ship lists?

The angle of list is the degree to which a vessel heels (leans or tilts) to either port or starboard at equilibrium—with no external forces acting upon it. Listing is caused by the off-centerline distribution of weight aboard due to uneven loading or to flooding.

Who migrated to New Zealand?

For over 150 years after 1800, most people who migrated to New Zealand were from Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) and Ireland. Yet for them, New Zealand was the most distant place on earth. The journey by sea took 100 days, and voyagers endured rough seas, cramped conditions and illness.

How much did a steerage ticket cost in 1900?

By 1900, the average price of a steerage ticket was about $30. Many immigrants traveled on prepaid tickets sent by relatives already in America; others bought tickets from the small army of traveling salesmen employed by the steamship lines.

Was Ellis Island the only port of entry?

A. For New York, Ellis Island was the only port of entry during this time period. If you’re having trouble locating someone who supposedly came through the Port of New York (Ellis Island) on the Ellis Island online database, it may be simply because the name wasn’t transcribed correctly.

How many Irish died on coffin ships?

Many famine ships of the time were known as “coffin ships” and saw many deaths due to their unseaworthy nature, overcrowding, lack of clean drinking water, unsanitary conditions and the rampant spread of disease. It is estimated that up to 100,000 people died on board these ships.

Can you look up your family at Ellis Island?

The American Family Immigration History Center (AFIHC), located on the first floor of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, is where visitors can conduct family history research on Ellis Island. You can order copies of passenger manifests, ships pictures, and other family heritage documents.
