What is Anconeal process?

The anconeal process is a small projection of bone on the ulna, the longer of the two bones of the forearm. The anconeal process forms part of the back surface of the elbow joint. The growth plate between the anconeal process and the ulna normally fuses by about 5 months of age.

What is dog Coronoid?

The coronoid process is a prominence at the front of the ulna which articulates with the humerus and radius. It has an outside, lateral, part and an inside, medial part. The medial part of the coronoid process or ‘medial coronoid process’ for short can become diseased.

What is OCD in a dog?

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD or OD) is an inflammatory condition that occurs when the diseased cartilage separates from the underlying bone. It most commonly affects the shoulder joint but the elbow, hip, or knee (stifle) may also be involved.

What is first painful content?

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is when the browser renders the first bit of content from the DOM, providing the first feedback to the user that the page is actually loading. The First Contentful Paint time stamp is when the browser first rendered any text, image (including background images), non-white canvas or SVG.

What causes UAP?

What causes UAP? This condition is most commonly diagnosed in German Shepherd Dogs and Bernese Mountain Dogs. It is a consequence of elbow incongruity (such as ulnar notch incongruity or short ulna syndrome). In most dogs, this causes obvious lameness and pain.

Where is Olecranal?

The olecranon is the “tip” of the elbow and is part of the ulna. (Right) The major nerves and ligaments are highlighted.

What is dog’s elbow?

Dogs do have elbows. Their elbows are located at the back of each front leg (foreleg). The elbow joint is immediately below the shoulder. Dogs do not have elbows on their back legs. That means dogs have 2 elbows in total.

What is elbow dysplasia in humans?

In elbow dysplasia, the complex elbow joint suffers from a structural defect, often related to its cartilage. This initial condition, known as a “primary lesion”, causes an abnormal level of wear and tear and gradual degradation of the joint, at times disabling or with chronic pain.

Where does the fragmented coronoid process ( FCP ) occur?

Fragmented coronoid process (FCP) is a developmental defect of one of the coronoid processes, two small bony protrusions on the end of the ulna within the elbow joint. In this condition, one of the coronoid processes develops a fissure or crack and separates from the rest of the bone. It most commonly occurs on the inner, or medial, process.

What is the recommended treatment for FCP in dogs?

What is the recommended treatment for FCP? Surgery is the treatment of choice for this condition, and its aim is to remove any abnormal cartilage or bone in an attempt to return the joint to a more normal anatomy and function. The procedure may involve a surgical exploration of the joint or an arthroscopic repair.

What kind of lameness does a dog with FCP have?

The dog will have a mild to moderate weight-bearing lameness. Dogs with this disease are lame on the affected leg or legs and they may cry when the elbow is palpated (felt and manipulated). In many cases, the affected joint will be swollen and warm to the touch.