What problems did migrant workers have?

Migrant workers were subjected to harsher working conditions and lower wages because people were desperate for work. Workers were replaceable. Too many people looking for work reduced living conditions. The migrant worker camps were primitive – no electricity and no indoor plumbing.

What problems did migrant farm workers face before?

Migrant workers lacked educational opportunities for their children, lived in poverty and terrible housing conditions, and faced discrimination and violence when they sought fair treatment. Attempts to organize workers into unions were violently suppressed.

What problems did Dust Bowl migrant workers cause for California?

California: The Promised Land The arrival of the Dust Bowl migrants forced California to examine its attitude toward farm work, laborers, and newcomers to the state. The Okies changed the composition of California farm labor. They displaced the Mexican workers who had dominated the work force for nearly two decades.

What challenges did farm workers face?

Farm workers are among the poorest workers in the U.S. Hazardous conditions are routine and include pesticide exposure, heat stress, lack of shade, and adequate clean drinking water.

What are the issues challenges faced by migrant farm workers in this country?

Farmworkers are often isolated, living in rural areas with no transportation. They experience discrimination and harassment. They must often work long hours, with little diversion or entertainment. As a result, farmworkers have high rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems [8].

Why did migrant workers go to California?

Migration Out of the Plains during the Depression. During the Dust Bowl years, the weather destroyed nearly all the crops farmers tried to grow on the Great Plains. Many once-proud farmers packed up their families and moved to California hoping to find work as day laborers on huge farms.

Why Cannot the migrants do well in the cities?

Migrants are all the more vulnerable to discrimination and exploitation as many of them are poor, illiterate and live in slums and hazardous locations prone to disaster and natural calamities. As such, the condition of migrants in cities needs to be addressed squarely in urban policies and programmes.

What happened to most migrant workers when they arrived in California?

As migrants arrived in California, there were far more workers than available jobs. This overabundance of laborers drove down wages. Many migrants set up camp along the irrigation ditches of the farms they were working, which led to overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions.

Why do migrant workers move around so much?

Why do migrant workers move around so much? They prefer not to have permanent homes. Corporations forbid them from settling down permanently. They pay lower tax rates if they move around a lot.

What are the working conditions for migrant farm workers?

Many of these farmworkers continue to face slave-like hardships, such as racism, long hours of stoop labor in the fields, harassment in their work, abject poverty and debt, exposure to lethal nicotine and pesticides, poor health and limited access to health care, and denial of basic labor and human rights protections.

Why was California not the promised land of the migrants?

California was emphatically not the promised land of the migrants’ dreams. Although the weather was comparatively balmy and farmers’ fields were bountiful with produce, Californians also felt the effects of the Depression. Even with an entire family working, migrants could not support themselves on these low wages.

What do you think is the most likely reason migrant farm workers also flocked to California during the Great Depression?

Why did so many migrant workers move to California in the 1930s?

Migrant farmers were needed for seasonal agricultural work, so when a harvest or planting season was over, they would have to leave because there was nothing left for them to do, not because they just felt like quitting. What was life like for migrant farm workers in the 1930s in California? Lives of Migrant Farm Workers in the 1930s.

Are there migrant farm workers in the United States?

Although invisible to most people, the presence of migrant farm workers in many rural communities throughout the nation is undeniable, since hand labor is still necessary for the production of the blemish-free fruits and vegetables that consumers demand Who are Migrant Farm workers?

Why are migrant farm workers an invisible population?

One of the key dynamics that detrimentally impacts the lives of migrant farm workers is their lack of legal status within the U.S. Unlike other immigrant groups that came before them these workers have not been granted legal status to live in the U.S.

Who are the farmworkers in the state of California?

California growers employ one out of three of the nation’s farmworkers. Some 70 percent of these workers were born in Mexico. Estimates are that at least 50 percent are undocumented, with little chance of changing that.