Can you request mast in the army?

What is Request Mast? Request Mast includes both the right of the member to personally talk to the commander, normally in person, and the requirement that the commander consider the matter and personally respond to the member requesting mast.

What does requesting mast mean?

What is Request Mast? Request Mast includes both the right of the member to personally talk to the Commanding Officer, normally in person, and the requirement that the Commanding Officer consider the matter and personally respond to the member requesting mast.

What is mast in the military?

In naval tradition, a mast is a non-judicial punishment (“NJP”) disciplinary hearing under which a commanding officer studies and disposes of cases involving those in his command.

Who can request mast?

Who do I Request Mast to? Aside from your immediate Commanding Officer, you can also Request Mast to the first General Officer in your chain of command. You cannot submit a Request Mast directly to the Commander of Marine Forces Reserve, without allowing your Commanding General to resolve the matter first.

Can you refuse captain’s mast?

Unless a service member is attached to or embarked on a vessel, he or she can refuse Captain’s Mast and demand a trial. Court martial affords service members certain procedural rights that are lacking at Captain’s Mast.

How do I appeal a captain’s mast?

In general you can appeal on the grounds the punishment was unjust or disproportionate. The appeal should be “prompt” (within five days) and directed to the next superior authority via the “proper channels” (chain of command).

What is a page 7 in the Navy?

PAGE 7—Court Memorandum, NAVPERS 1070/607, is used to record court-martial actions when a guilty finding is made by the court.

What is an Article 11 UCMJ?

Article 11. Reports and receiving of prisoners. Article 12. Confinement with enemy prisoners prohibited.

What do you need to know about Request Mast?

What is Request Mast? Request Mast includes both the right of the member to personally talk to the Commanding Officer, normally in person, and the requirement that the Commanding Officer consider the matter and personally respond to the member requesting mast.

Can a commanding officer deny a Request Mast application?

A Commanding Officer may deny a Request Mast application if there is another specific avenue of redress available to the member. The Commanding Officer should explain to the member why he/she denied the Request Mast application and, if appropriate, explain the procedure the member should follow to resolve the issue.

What does MAST mean in the Marine Corps?

Request Mast provides a member the opportunity to communicate not only with his or her immediate Commanding Officer, but also with any superior Commanding Officer in the chain of command up to and including the member’s immediate Commanding General.

Can a Request Mast be used for involuntary separation?

Request Mast cannot be used if the member is being processed for involuntary separation or if the subject of the complaint is an ongoing Article 138, UCMJ, or Article 1150, Navy Regulations. How do I submit a Request Mast application?