Is the al Khabar al Wahid A mutawatir hadith?

Al-khabar al-wahid is a hadith narrated in a way that did not fulfill all the conditions necessary to be deemed a mutawatir hadith. Then, it is not proved authentic itself and must be proved by means of other evidence.

What do the scholars say about khabar al-Ahad?

The contemporary scholar Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam al Kawthari says: “The Āhād or solitary Hadith (also known as Khabar al-Wahid) is the Hadith which fails to fulfill the requirement of Mutawātir. Āhād Hadith may be sound (Sahih), good (Hasan) or weak (Da’eef).

Is the sahaaba the authority of Khabar Wahid?

The Sahaaba and the Taba`een used to very widely and clearly enact (or follow) the (authority) of khabarul-waahid and thus this is evidence from them that they accepted khabarul-wahid as an authority Ibn Abil-`Izz al-Hanafi (rahimahullah) said in Sharh `Aqeedah at-tahawiyyah on page 307-8-9 :

Which is a h ad or Khabar Wa h id?

A h adith a h ad or khabar wa h id is one which is narrated by people whose number does not reach that of the Mutawatir case. A h ad is further classified into: