What is the definition of insanity in recovery?

One popular adage is “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.” In clinical terms, one of the most distinguishing diagnostic features of addictive disorders is that those affected continually and repeatedly revert to their addictive behaviors, despite the …

What is the AA definition of insanity?

Call it a cliché, an old saw, a euphemism or a witticism, it’s still applicable in describing addiction and alcoholism: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Around the rooms of recovery, it’s most commonly heard in the 12 Step program Narcotics Anonymous.

Where did the definition of insanity come from?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. These words are usually credited to the acclaimed genius Albert Einstein. What do you think?

Who said definition of insanity is doing the same thing?

Albert Einstein
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That witticism—I’ll call it “Einstein Insanity”—is usually attributed to Albert Einstein.

What does Step 3 mean in AA?

Practicing Acceptance At its core, step 3 tells us to get out of our own way, to understand, and turn over our will, to whatever power it will take to get us into recovery. It’s about admitting we need a power beyond ourselves to beat drug and alcohol addiction.

What is the medical dictionary definition of insanity?

1. An outmoded term referring to severe mental illness or psychosis. 2. In law, the degree of mental illness that negates the patient’s legal responsibility or capacity. Segen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc.

Can a person be found guilty for the reason of insanity?

— Will Mcgough, Forbes, 28 May 2021 Many of the patients have been civilly committed, found guilty except for reason of insanity, or found unable to aid and assist in their own defense in a criminal case. — oregonlive, 27 May 2021

What’s the definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein?

An oft-quoted bon mot (frequently attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or a number of other people who probably never said it) is that insanity may be defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” While the job of lexicographers might be easier if they were allowed to use witty sayings instead of

When did insanity take on a looser sense?

In the 19th century it began to take on a looser sense, “extreme folly or unreasonableness.” In modern usage, insanity may be found in both senses: you may tell your brother that trying to skateboard while holding onto a car is “insanity” (in which case you mean that it is extremely foolish) or encounter…