What happens if you sell drugs to underage?

Supply of a prohibited drug not less than a commercial quantity to a minor: The maximum penalty is a $462,000 fine or 25 years’ imprisonment, or both. Procuring a minor to take part in the supply of a drug: The maximum penalty is a $264,000 fine or 18 years’ imprisonment or both.

What is it called when you give drugs to a minor?

Providing drugs to your child, in all instances, is considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor (CDM), a crime in almost all states.

Is it illegal to sell drugs to minors?

Yes. It is illegal for you to offer the drug to a minor even if the individual never takes, buys, or uses the drug.

How long do you go to jail for selling drugs to minors?

You can be charged with a fourth-degree drug crime for the sale of any Schedule IV or V drug to a minor. You could face up to 15 years in prison and up to $100,000 in fines if you are convicted.

Can you be charged for selling drugs in the past?

If you have used illegal drugs, whether “hard” or marijuana, and possess drug paraphernalia that contains residue from these drugs, you can be charged with possession. This is true even if your drug use was long in the past.

Can you get in trouble for texting about drugs?

Your involvement may simply be as a witness to build a case against the drug dealer. It’s also possible that the text could lead to a criminal investigation against you, but as stated before, the criminal investigation would likely be for drug possession, not for just texting about drug use.

Can you go to jail over text messages?

Generally, sending a text message about a crime isn’t itself a crime (if the message is threatening or harassing, the message itself may be a crime). In the scenario you present, you can’t be arrested for the text message. However, the message may be the basis for a criminal investigation.

Is it illegal to text about drugs?

For starters, there isn’t a law that says a person cannot text someone about drug use. Therefore, it is only when the text message indicates that a person is buying or selling drugs that the risk of a bust becomes real. In some cases, text messages can be used as evidence to prosecute a person for a crime.

Can you get charged for texting about drugs?

Can you get in trouble for Googling about drugs?

It is perfectly legal to search anything online in most cases, but if those searches are linked to a crime or potential crime, you could get arrested. From there, you could get taken into custody and interrogated at best. At worst, however, you could walk away with criminal charges.

Is watching porn a crime in Canada?

Yes, you may only watch pornographic movies if you are above the legal age limit. It is prohibited for minors to watch porn. Each province in Canada has laws to insure all movies are rated. All pornographic materials are rated 18 years and over.