How is Orthodox Christianity different?

The difference between Orthodox Christianity and Protestant Christianity is that they follow different divine inspirations. The Orthodox follow the ‘Holy Inspiration of Church’ along with the Bible. Whereas, protestants follow only the Bible.

What are three major differences between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches?

Main Differences Between Catholic and Orthodox

  • The liturgy of catholic churches includes Western rites and Eastern rites, while that of the Orthodox Church includes Byzantine rites.
  • Both churches have seven sacraments; the catholic church’s sacrament includes penance while that of orthodox includes repentance.

What is Orthodox Christianity simple?

The Eastern Orthodox Church teaches that it is the Church started by Jesus Christ in his instructions to the Apostles. It practices what it understands to be the original Christian faith and maintains the sacred tradition passed down from the apostles. The worship service is known as the Divine Liturgy.

What are the beliefs of Orthodox Christianity?

Essentially the Orthodox Church shares much with the other Christian Churches in the belief that God revealed himself in Jesus Christ, and a belief in the incarnation of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection. The Orthodox Church differs substantially in the way of life and worship.

How does Orthodox differ from Catholicism?

The Catholic Church believes the pope to be infallible in matters of doctrine. Orthodox believers reject the infallibility of the pope and consider their own patriarchs, too, as human and thus subject to error. Most Orthodox Churches have both ordained married priests and celibate monastics, so celibacy is an option.

How does Orthodox differ from Catholic?

How is the Roman Catholic Church different from the Orthodox Church?

The beliefs of the Orthodox East and Roman Catholic West may seem similar on the surface, but in reality, they are quite different. In this post, we list some of the differences between the doctrine and theology of Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Churches.

What are the beliefs of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Eastern Orthodox Church believes water baptism (immersing three times in water) is a precondition for salvation. Infants are baptized to cleanse them from sin inherited from their parents and to give them spiritual rebirth. As with Catholics, the Orthodox church believes salvation comes through faith plus works.

Where can I find Orthodox Church in the world?

The Orthodox religion is mainly found in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. If you want to read similar articles to What Is the Difference between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, we recommend you visit our Culture & Society category.

Do you think Catholics and Protestants are the same religion?

Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox belong to the same great religion, Christianity. It is by disagreements about certain principles and the form of practice that they differ, which has caused two schisms in the course of history, ie. a separation.