What is the Ascii code of A to Z?

ASCII characters from 33 to 126

ASCII code Character
113 q lowercase q
116 t lowercase t
119 w lowercase w
122 z lowercase z

What is the Ascii code for 0 to 9?

It can be observed that ASCII value of digits [0 – 9] ranges from [48 – 57]. Therefore, in order to print the ASCII value of any digit, 48 is required to be added to the digit.

What is the capital letter for the Ascii code 87?

Standard ASCII Characters

Dec Hex Description
86 56 Latin capital letter V
87 57 Latin capital letter W
88 58 Latin capital letter X
89 59 Latin capital letter Y

What is the Ascii code for 3?

ASCII Table — Printable Characters

Character Hex Decimal
0 30 112
1 31 113
2 32 114
3 33 115

What ASCII 48?

ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion table

ASCII Decimal Octal
0 48 60
1 49 61
2 50 62
3 51 63

What character corresponds to 126 ASCII code?

30 1E
ASCII Table 0-127

Dec Hex Dec
27 1B 123
28 1C 124
29 1D 125
30 1E 126

What is ASCII code and where its used and why?

ASCII stands for American standard code for Information Interchange. This code is basically used for identifying characters and numerals in a keyboard. these are 8 bit sequence code and are used for identifying letters, numbers and special characters.

Why do we use an ASCII code?

ASCII is used as a method to give all computers the same language , allowing them to share documents and files. ASCII is important because the development gave computers a common language. Nov 14 2019

How does the ASCII code work?

Bytes are frequently used to hold individual characters in a text document. In the ASCII character set, each binary value between 0 and 127 is given a specific character. Most computers extend the ASCII character set to use the full range of 256 characters available in a byte.

What is ASCII code 10?

CHAR (10) is the character represented by ASCII code 10, which is a Line Feed (\ ) so its a new line. In your example its probably just used to make the string more readable when its printed out.