What is the legal definition of imminent threat?

Imminent threat means a condition of noncompliance that is reasonably certain to place life or limb in direct peril and is immediate and impending and not merely remote, uncertain, or contingent.

What is an example of imminent danger?

Imminent danger is a legal term that is used to describe situations that pose a direct and immediate danger to the individual affected by the action. Imminent danger in response to trying to protect another individual – for example, offering yourself up as a hostage to a gunman to spare someone else.

What is imminent threat of harm?

Imminent risk of harm means that individuals’ actions, omissions or conditions endanger the life, or seriously jeopardize the physical or mental health or safety of themselves or others, if protective action would not be taken immediately.

What is imminent peril?

‘Imminent Peril’ is defined in the policy as “We will pay for expenses you incur to avoid a loss insured under this policy due to imminent peril to the extent that such expenses serve to avoid such loss.” It will pay for the damage you cause to prevent further damage.

What are the three parts of imminent threat criteria?

An Imminent Threat Alert is an alert that meets a minimum value for each of three CAP elements: Urgency, Severity, and Certainty.

Which term is defined as injury or death is imminent?

The following conditions must be present for a hazard to be considered an imminent danger: Death or serious harm must be threatened; AND. It must be reasonably likely that a serious accident could occur immediately OR, if not immediately, then before abatement would otherwise be implemented.

Which is the best example of something that is imminent?

The definition of imminent is something that is likely to happen very soon. An example of imminent is a meteorologist saying a hurricane will reach a certain area.

What are the elements of imminent danger?

Imminent Danger

  • There must be a threat of death or serious physical harm.
  • For a health hazard there must be a reasonable expectation that toxic substances or other health hazards are present and exposure to them will shorten life or cause substantial reduction in physical or mental efficiency.

What exactly is an imminent threat?

Imminent threat is one insurance term that’s almost self-explanatory: it means there’s something bad, and it’s about to happen. More specifically, when we’re talking about home insurance, an imminent threat refers to something that’s happening (or about to happen) and is likely to cause an insurable loss: it’s likely to damage property.

What does imminent threat mean?

Imminent Danger Law and Legal Definition. Imminent danger is an immediate threat of harm, which varies depending on the context in which it is used. For example, one state statute defines imminent danger in relation to mines as “the existence of any condition or practice in a mine which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical…

What is an immediate threat?

Definition of Immediate threat. Immediate threat or “imminent danger” means conditions which, if no response were made, would be more likely than not to result in sexual abuse, injury or death to a child.

What is imminent danger?

Imminent Danger. What is an imminent danger? An imminent danger is a workplace hazard that puts you at immediate serious risk of death or serious physical harm. It may be a safety hazard such as an unstable trench or exposed electrical wire that could cause a serious or fatal accident immediately under present conditions.