What is a church electoral roll?

The church electoral roll performs a number of important functions within the Church of England, yet the qualifications for enrolment as set out in the Church Representation Rules, and the basis on which a person’s name may be removed from the roll, are far from clear.

What is a PCC responsible for?

The role of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is to be the voice of the people and hold the police to account. They are responsible for the totality of policing. They are elected by the public to hold Chief Constables and the force to account, making the police answerable to the communities they serve.

How many PCC members can a church have?

The Church Representation Rules lay down that the PCC shall have a Standing Committee of not less than 5 persons. This shall consist of the minister and the churchwardens in ex-officio capacity. The PCC shall appoint at least 2 others of their members to the standing Committee.

What is a church officer in Church of England?

Noun. 1. church officer – a church official. churchwarden – an officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters. deacon, Protestant deacon – a Protestant layman who assists the minister.

Who can be a church electoral roll officer?

To be qualified for election as a representative of the laity, a person must be of the laity, an actual communicant, aged 16 or over, and not disqualified (e.g. by conviction of certain offences, disqualification as a company director or entry on a “barred list”), and must be on the church electoral roll (and, unless …

What is an annual parochial church meeting?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The annual meeting of parishioners (also referred to as the annual vestry meeting) is held yearly in every parish of the Church of England to elect churchwardens and deputies (if any) for the forthcoming year.

What powers do church wardens have?

They have a duty to maintain order and peace in the church and churchyard at all times, and especially during services, although this task tends to be devolved to sidesmen. Churchwardens in many parts of the Anglican Communion are legally responsible for all the property and movable goods belonging to a parish church.

What does a church officer do?

A church officer is a member of the laity who assists the priests or minister in management and upkeep of the church. These can include the organization of events, bookkeeping and representing the church in the community.

What are the duties of a church warden?

Churchwardens have a duty to represent the laity and co-operate with the incumbent (or, in cases of vacancy, the bishop). They are expected to lead the parishioners by setting a good example and encouraging unity and peace.

Who is chair of PCC?

Katy Bourne OBE, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex, has been elected as the new Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners at their Annual General Meeting.

Are PCC minutes public?

The Minutes are available as PDF downloads only. Please note: on occasion, there may be some Strictly Confidential discussions that take place at the PCC Meeting. If that is the case, those parts of the Minutes will be edited out of the public version.

Can you be a member of more than one PCC?

Additional members may be co-opted onto the council by the PCC during the course of the year. The number of elected members on a PCC is governed by the Church Representation Rules and is based on the number of people on the electoral roll.

Who is the electoral roll officer for the Diocese of Exeter?

There are a range of forms and documents that might be helpful for you in our documents library. They include information on the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and running elections. The electoral roll officer keeps the electoral roll up to date and reports any changes to the PCC.

What are the rules for church electoral roll?

1 (1) In every parish there must be a church electoral roll (referred to in these Rules as ‘the roll’) on which the names of lay persons are entered in accordance with this Part of these Rules. (2) A lay person is entitled to have his or her name on the roll of a parish if he or she –

How does the electoral roll officer report to the PCC?

The electoral roll officer keeps the electoral roll up to date and reports any changes to the PCC. While for much of the year the position is unlikely to be onerous there are times when tasks need to be undertaken to quite a strict time schedule.

How often does the electoral roll have to be revised?

While for much of the year the position is unlikely to be onerous there are times when tasks need to be undertaken to quite a strict time schedule. Revisions: The electoral roll is revised annually when new people may be added and others removed. The revision is completed not less than 15 days, and not more than 28 days, before the annual meeting.