How do I add a gallery in ACF?


  1. Copy the navz-photo-gallery folder into your wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Activate the Advanced Custom Fields: Photo Gallery plugin via the plugins admin page.
  3. Create a new field via ACF and select the Photo Gallery type.
  4. Please refer to the description for more info regarding the field type settings.

How do I add multiple images to ACF?

An ACF Image field only allows selecting a single image. And as far as I know a post can only have one post_thumbnail add_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_thumbnail_id’, $image ); To select multiple images you’d need to use a repeater to allow adding multiple images in the form.

How do I add an image to WordPress ACF?

Navigating to the Media > Library admin page and selecting an attachment. Using the Add Media button when editing a post’s content. Using an ACF image field or file field to select an attachment.

How do I use WordPress gallery shortcodes?

Basic Usage To get started with the shortcode go to Posts section and add a New Post which we will call “Gallery Post”. In the editor area place the shortcode (in either the Visual/HTML View). After that press Publish/Update.

How do I create a custom gallery Meta field in WordPress?

How to create a custom gallery meta field for posts in WordPress

  1. Create a meta box for posts in WordPress.
  2. Create a field array for the gallery.
  3. Create a callback function for the meta box to display the fields.
  4. Trigger the WordPress Media popup with jQuery.
  5. Delete gallery items by clicking them in WordPress.

How do you display ACF?

Once the Text Editor widget is added to the canvas area, go to the left panel and click the database icon on the content editor. Select ACF Field. Next, click the wrench icon on the ACF Field and select the field (key) you want to display. You can also add a prefix and suffix in by clicking the Advanced block.

How does ACF work in WordPress?

Advanced Custom Fields is a WordPress plugin which allows you to add extra content fields to your WordPress edit screens. These extra content fields are more commonly referred to as Custom Fields and can allow you to build websites faster and educate your clients quicker.

How do I get ACF repeater field?

The Repeater Field can be installed by purchasing a license for ACF PRO. On payment, you will receive a receipt from ACF and a user account allowing access to your downloads. Once ACF PRO is installed, enter your license key to enable plugin updates.

How do I get the gallery field in ACF?

The Gallery Field may also be installed by purchasing a license for this add-on. On payment, you will receive a receipt from ACF and a user account allowing access to your downloads.

How to add photo gallery field in WordPress?

A lightweight extension of Advanced Custom Field (ACF) that adds Photo Gallery field to any post/pages on your WordPress website. Visually create your Fields Add multiple photos and you can also modify title, caption and link to anything Assign your fields to multiple edit pages (via custom location rules)

What is the return format for a gallery field in WordPress?

The field in this example uses Array as the Return Format. This example demonstrates how to display the images from a Gallery field in a WordPress gallery by generating and rendering a gallery shortcode. The field in this example uses ID as the Return Format.

Is the frontend gallery slider for ACF open source?

“Frontend Gallery Slider For ACF” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Translate “Frontend Gallery Slider For ACF” into your language. Interested in development? Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.