What is the origin of Gird your loins?

The idiom gird one’s loins is derived from the Bible. People who lived during the time that the Bible was written wore flowing tunics. If a person had to take part in a difficult physical activity it was necessary to tie up the flowing fabric and tuck it in his girdle or substantial belt.

What is a woman’s loins?

The loins, or lumbus, are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back.

Where is the loin area in a human?

The loin (lumbus) is the part of the back and side of abdomen, between the ribs and the pelvis.

What is loins slang for?

/ (lɔɪnz) / pl n. the hips and the inner surface of the legs where they join the trunk of the body; crotch. euphemistic the reproductive organs.

What is the meaning of gird one’s loins?

Prepare oneself for action
Prepare oneself for action, as in I’m girding up my loins for that crucial interview. This expression comes from the Bible (Proverbs 31:17) and originally alluded to tucking up the traditional long robe into a girdle (that is, a belt) so it will not hamper physical activity. [ c. 1600]

What does it mean to gird yourself?

to prepare
1 : to prepare (oneself) for action. 2a : to encircle or bind with a flexible band (such as a belt) b : to make (something, such as clothing or a sword ) fast or secure (as with a cord or belt) gird a sword by a belt.

How do you gird your loins?

The effect basically created a pair of shorts that provided more freedom of movement. Thus to tell someone to “gird up their loins” was to tell them to get ready for hard work or battle. It was the ancient way of saying “man up!”

What does it mean to gird your loins in the Bible?

Prepare oneself for action, as in I’m girding up my loins for that crucial interview. This expression comes from the Bible (Proverbs 31:17) and originally alluded to tucking up the traditional long robe into a girdle (that is, a belt) so it will not hamper physical activity. [ c.

What does the Bible mean by loins?

Prepare oneself for action, as in I’m girding up my loins for that crucial interview. This expression comes from the Bible (Proverbs 31:17) and originally alluded to tucking up the traditional long robe into a girdle (that is, a belt) so it will not hamper physical activity. [

What does it mean to gird your loins in truth?

Thus to tell someone to “gird up their loins” was to tell them to get ready for hard work or battle. It was the ancient way of saying “man up!”

What does Gird your loins mean in history?

In historical novels set during the middle ages, gird your loins appears to mean preparing for battle. In modern times, it is still used in the context of preparing for battle — with no swords…

How did girding up the loins become a metaphor?

This action was called “girding up the loins” and the phrase became a metaphor for preparedness. Peter uses the expression to commend clear thinking in the midst of difficult times. The women would often lift the hem of their tunics to help carry heavier or numerous objects. At night the girdle was loosened as the person slept comfortably.

Do you Gird your loins before confronting your boss?

You might gird your loins (tighten your belt, button up, get tough) before confronting your boss or a fellow co-worker. I beg to differ with the good folks at vocabularly.com when they say no one uses gird your loins anymore.

Where does the expression fruit of my loins come from?

Such a “fruit of my loins” reference is also made in the King James Version. In literature or poetry, an expression such as ‘he felt a stirring in his loins at the thought’ implies a sexual excitement . It is also used as a term for the general lower area of the body much like the term ” below the belt ” references…