How much is insurance on a Nissan 350Z for an 18 year old?

Given their inexperience on the road, a younger driver between the ages of 16–25 may pay significantly more for their Nissan 350Z’s car insurance. An 18-year-old should expect to pay an average of $3,905 per year, while 40-year-olds can expect to pay around $1,197 — that’s a difference of $2,708.

Why is the 350Z so expensive to insure?

In general, the larger and more powerful the engine, the higher the cost of your insurance. However, in this case, the Nissan 350Z models all have a 3.5-litre engine meaning different engine sizes won’t be a factor here.

Is a Nissan 350Z a sports car insurance?

Nissan’s 350Z is Iconic The Nissan 350Z is classified as a sports car and is considered a high-risk vehicle by most auto insurance companies. This, of course, means its auto insurance rates will be higher, but there are plenty of other factors that may affect the cost of auto insurance.

How much is insurance for a 370Z for a 19 year old?

Nissan 370z Insurance Model Year by Age Group

Year 16-19 yr old 20-29 yr old
2020 $308.97 / mo $83.08 / mo
2019 $291.64 / mo $467.30 / mo
2018 $254.48 / mo $619.86 / mo
2017 $412.61 / mo $278.59 / mo

Is a Nissan 350Z a good first car?

In our view, the 350Z isn’t a particularly good first car, for a few key reasons. Although 350Zs are generally reliable cars, you will still need to spend more on maintenance and repairs than you might on a more sedate, normal first car like a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic.

Are 350Z reliable?

Is the 350z Reliable? – The Short Answer. Overall, the 350z is considered to be a very reliable car relative to its corner of the market. There are only a minor few potential issues you should clear before moving forward with a purchase, mostly related to alignment, oil system, and cabin details.

Is the 350Z a good first car?

How much is insurance for a 16 year old?

Cost of car insurance for a 16-year-old We found that 16-year-olds can expect to pay on average $813 per month for car insurance. Among the different insurers we analyzed, rates ranged from $311 to $1,141 per month for full coverage, which highlights the importance of getting quotes from multiple insurers.

How much is insurance for a 370Z for a 17 year old?

For 17-year-old drivers, 370Z insurance costs an average of $6,266 for males and $5,548 for females. 370Z insurance for 18-year-old drivers costs $5,868 for males and $5,094 for females.

Is Nissan 350Z a girl car?

The standard 350Z is a guy machine.