What is IG toolkit used for?

The Information Governance (IG) Toolkit enables NHS suppliers and partners to assess themselves against the Department of Health’s Information Governance policies and standards.

What is IG in data protection?

Information Governance (IG) is the term used to describe how organisations meet their obligations under this legislation, and other guidelines around preserving the privacy of personal data.

What is information governance pharmacy?

Information Governance is particularly concerned with personal and sensitive personal information, but it also includes commercially sensitive information about the pharmacy, which might also require protection.

What is NHS DSP Toolkit?

The Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit is an online tool that enables relevant organisations to measure their performance against the data security and information governance requirements mandated by the Department of Health and Social Care, notably the 10 data security standards set by the National Data …

What has replaced the IG Toolkit?

This is achieved by submitting a self-assessment using the DSP (Data Security and Protection) Toolkit, an online tool that replaced the IG Toolkit in April 2018.

What is DPS Toolkit?

Data Security and Protection Toolkit. The Data Security and Protection Toolkit is an online self-assessment tool that all organisations must use if they have access to NHS patient data and systems.

How is the IG framework applied in NHS?

The legal framework governing the use of personal confidential data in health care is complex. The law allows personal data to be shared between those offering care directly to patients but it protects patients’ confidentiality when data about them are used for other purposes. …

What are the seven pillars of clinical governance?

7 Pillars of Clinical Governance

  • Clinical effectiveness.
  • Risk management.
  • Patient experience and involvement.
  • Audit.
  • Staff management.
  • Continuing education and training and.
  • Information.

What is GDPR pharmacy?

This represents an overhaul of data protection legislation and all organisations, including community pharmacy businesses, will need to take steps to ensure that they comply with it. …

What is IG Toolkit now called?

Data Security and Protection Toolkit
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit replaces the previous Information Governance toolkit from April 2018.

What is DSPT?

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online self-assessment tool that allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards.

Is the NHS required to use the IG toolkit?

Providers of NHS services within England, including community pharmacy contractors, are required to give information governance assurances to the NHS each year via an online self-assessment – the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (previously called the ‘IG toolkit’).

When is the deadline for the IG toolkit?

Previously known as the IG Toolkit, this year contractors must complete the new ‘Data Security and Protection Toolkit’ no later than 31st March 2019. PSNC and NHS Digital have been working together on the development of the Toolkit and NHS Digital has informally endorsed the information in the Toolkit completion: Overview (see link below).

When do pharmacies need to complete the Information Governance Toolkit?

The Information Governance Toolkit was updated in 2019 to include the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the National Data Guardian’s ten data security standards and is now called the Data Security and Protection (DSP) toolkit. Pharmacies are contractually required to complete the DSP toolkit by March 31 st each year.

When to submit IG declaration for community pharmacy?

PSNC has developed and this week published a series of guidance documents to assist community pharmacy contractors as they work towards their information governance (IG) declaration for 2018/19. Previously known as the IG Toolkit, this year contractors must complete the new ‘Data Security and Protection Toolkit’ no later than 31st March 2019.